What is the luteal (progesterone) phase in women? Luteal phase, corpus luteum, progesterone - let's talk about everything in more detail. Day 14 of the cycle what phase

The menstrual cycle has a clear division into phases. They are regulated according to a hierarchy, the initial link of which is the brain. Phases replace each other in turn, and the onset of the next one is impossible without the previous one. In the first, the follicle matures, which is why it is called follicular. The luteal phase of the cycle is its continuation, and with successful fertilization it turns into pregnancy.

Features of the functioning of the corpus luteum

During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the dominant follicle matures. During this period, estrogens and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) play a decisive role. The latter, together with luteinizing hormone (LH), is secreted by the adenohypophysis. Without FSH, the effects of LH are impossible. Follicle-stimulating hormone provokes the formation of luteinizing hormone receptors on the surface of granulosa cells in the follicle. Without them, LH will not be able to have an effect on.

The biological effects of LH are as follows:

  • stimulation of androgen synthesis as estrogen precursors;
  • activation of prostaglandins and proteolytic enzymes, which lead to follicle rupture;
  • luteinization of granulosa cells, which form the corpus luteum;
  • stimulation of progesterone synthesis from luteinized cells; prolactin works in synergy with LH.

The time when the luteal phase begins is considered to be the end. A standard menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days, but the average is 28 days. The duration of each phase of the cycle is variable, but on average, 12-14 days pass from the first day of menstruation to ovulation. The duration of the luteal phase itself is also 12-14 days. After it ends, the cycle repeats again.

Follicle rupture occurs at the peak of luteinizing hormone secretion. The egg is released into abdominal cavity and under the vibration of the fimbriae on the terminal part of the appendages, it penetrates the fallopian tubes. Fertilization should occur there within 12-24 hours. The viability of the egg is no longer maintained beyond this time.

In the burst follicle, the process of luteinization occurs. The cells of the granular membrane continue to multiply and grow, and a specific enzyme, lutein, accumulates in them, which gives them a characteristic yellow color. This is how a temporary endocrine gland is formed - the corpus luteum. The duration of its existence depends on the presence of pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, then after 12-14 days the corpus luteum regresses.

The lifespan of the gland increases with pregnancy. The embryo forms various types of cells, one of which is the trophoblast layer. It is formed 4-5 days after fertilization. Trophoblast cells begin to secrete the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which maintains the corpus luteum and stimulates the production of progesterone. This process lasts until the placenta is formed, after which it takes over the function of the corpus luteum, and the gland gradually resolves.

Calculation of the period of the menstrual cycle

The normal duration of the luteal phase is 12-14 days. For women planning a pregnancy, the day of ovulation and the condition after it are important. Violation of the duration of this period can indicate various pathologies that prevent pregnancy. Lengthening and shortening the period of existence of the corpus luteum has equally unpleasant consequences.

Four reliable methods are used that help both calculate the luteal phase and determine the general state of the menstrual cycle.

Basal temperature measurement

Body temperature is a variable value and can fluctuate throughout the day. Basal temperature reflects the temperature of the body's core and is relatively constant. It is influenced by hormonal levels. From the beginning of the menstrual cycle it is relatively low, less than 37°C. On average, this figure is 36-36.6°C. This continues until ovulation. On the day of follicle maturation, there is a sharp jump in temperature to 37°C and above. The temperature of 37.1-37.3°C persists for another three days after ovulation.

During the second phase it fluctuates around 37-37.5°C. And with the onset of menstruation, it begins to gradually decrease to the norm of the first period.

Read more about basal temperature during ovulation.

Calendar method

You can determine the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle using a calendar. But this method is only suitable for women with a clear duration of the entire cycle. If it lasts the classic 28 days, then you need to count 14 days from the first day of your last period and take this date as ovulation. The next day the luteal period begins.

You can also notice how the discharge changes. On the day of ovulation and the day before, they looked thick, plentiful and slimy. After the formation of the corpus luteum, they may decrease, and vaginal dryness appears.

Instrumental method

You can determine what day of your cycle it is now using an ultrasound. Modern equipment allows you to see the follicle, the corpus luteum and determine their size. These parameters are strictly dependent on the day after ovulation.

The average follicle size is 12-15 mm. After the rupture of its shell in the initial stage, the size of the corpus luteum is several millimeters smaller. After a week it reaches 18-22 mm. This indicates the body's readiness for pregnancy. If fertilization has occurred, then stimulation of the corpus luteum with chorionic gonadotropin begins; it can increase to 30 mm. A size of more than 30 mm indicates a formed corpus luteum cyst, and not a progressive pregnancy.

Laboratory diagnostics

The onset of the luteal phase can be determined by analyzing. To do this, you need to know the day of the cycle in order. Before ovulation, the progesterone norm is 0.97-4.73 nmol/l. On the 15th day of the cycle, it begins to increase slightly and fluctuates between 2.39-9.55 nmol/l. On the 21st day of the cycle, or on the 7th day after ovulation, a peak of progesterone is observed, it reaches 16.2-85.9 nmol/l.

But during the study, individual cycle duration should be taken into account. If a woman ovulates not on the 14th day, but later, then the peak of progesterone will occur at a later date: to the day of ovulation, in order, you need to add 7 and get the date of the peak of the hormone.

Further progression of the increase in progesterone occurs during pregnancy and until the moment before childbirth. But the large size of the corpus luteum (more than 30 mm) and high progesterone in the absence of a fertilized egg will speak in favor of a corpus luteum cyst.

Luteal phase changes

The period of luteinization can vary in terms of increasing and decreasing duration. Both options do not bring anything good and interfere with reproductive function.

The maximum length of the luteal phase is 16 days. If menstruation does not occur on time, progesterone remains for high level or it is initially elevated, this may manifest itself as a lack of menstruation.

The behavior of hormones in different phases of the menstrual cycle

The short luteal phase ranges from 2 to 10 days. This duration is a sign of insufficiency of the second period. This is usually due to low levels of progesterone, which is not produced in the corpus luteum. Low progesterone in the luteal phase is not able to properly prepare the endometrium for. Soon after fertilization, a biochemical pregnancy will occur, which can be registered using blood tests for hormones.

If the embryo manages to attach, then signs of a threat of termination of pregnancy may appear. In this case, the woman will feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of those before menstruation, and dark red discharge will appear from the genital tract. If urgent measures are not taken, the pregnancy will be terminated in a short period of time.

Symptoms of luteal phase deficiency may appear in the following cases:

  • hormone imbalance, which changes the ratio of LH and FSH;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • systemic diseases ( diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypothalamic tumors);
  • psychogenic factor.

A long luteal phase and increased progesterone lead to nonspecific symptoms:

  • deterioration of skin condition, increased greasiness and the appearance of acne;
  • unwanted hair growth;
  • weight gain;
  • engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands;
  • general fatigue, tendency to bad mood, depression;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • spotting bloody discharge.

At the same time, a high concentration of progesterone has a contraceptive effect, a woman cannot become pregnant, and disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur.

How to reduce progesterone levels without harm to health? About it .

A short luteal phase in most cases is a pathology of the corpus luteum. The lengthening of this period is associated with the pathological course of the follicular part of the cycle. In this case, changes are observed not only in the concentration of progesterone, but also in other hormones. Estradiol in the luteal phase will increase with persistence of the follicle. In this condition, the dominant follicle does not rupture in the ovaries, which means there is no ovulation. As a result, the corpus luteum does not form, and luteinization is also absent. An increase in the concentration of estradiol also occurs with an endometrioid ovarian cyst or its tumors. A decreased hormone is observed when:

  • testicular feminization;
  • sudden weight loss;

But for the second period of the ovarian cycle, other hormones are also important. During diagnosis, the concentrations of the following substances are also examined:

  • prolactin;
  • testosterone.

In some cases, the study is supplemented with cortisol and thyroid hormones.

Correction of hormonal levels

Is it possible to get pregnant during the luteal phase?

This depends on the previous, follicular phase and the state of hormonal levels in the future.

Progesterone preparations

Insufficiency is a consequence of reduced function of the corpus luteum, in such cases support of the luteal phase is required. It is carried out using progesterone drugs Duphaston and Utrozhestan. Most often they are prescribed from the 14th day of the cycle to the 25th. The use of hormones does not affect fertilization. Correcting hormone levels only allows you to change the condition of the endometrium and ensure implantation of the fertilized egg if conception has occurred.

But there are certain difficulties with prescribing the drug:

  • Dose selection. It must be prescribed individually. Each woman's progesterone level is at a certain level, and it is impossible to say for sure that the same dose of the hormone will be required with the same blood test results.
  • Withdrawal bleeding. After the end of taking progesterone, bleeding appears, which corresponds in time to menstrual bleeding. But if a woman did not use protection during treatment, then there may be an embryo in the uterine cavity. Bleeding will lead to detachment of the ovum and miscarriage. Pregnancy tests during this period are not yet effective. Therefore, those undergoing treatment need.

But if corpus luteum deficiency is observed already during a diagnosed pregnancy, with existing signs of a threatened miscarriage, then prescribing Duphaston or Utrozhestan makes sense to preserve it. In this case, hormones are taken until the placenta is formed, and in severe cases even until 21 weeks of gestation.

Insufficiency of the second period of the menstrual cycle can be observed periodically in completely healthy women. Therefore, observation and diagnosis of only one month is not as important as two or three month studies. For example, you need to measure your basal temperature yourself and draw up a chart for it.

In the absence of ovulation, one cannot speak of luteal phase deficiency; in this case, the follicle does not mature, so cyclical changes do not appear. Such forms of hormonal disorders require searching for the cause and eliminating it, rather than blindly prescribing hormones.

Hello! What should every woman know about her monthly phenomenon, laid down by nature? The material, “The Menstrual Cycle in Women,” contains detailed answers to many important questions.

Features of the female body

What is menstruation? Once a month, the uterus grows new endometrium, or lining, in preparation to receive a fertilized egg. When it is absent, the uterus begins to reject the lining.

The menstrual period begins in girls when they are 11-14 years old and continues until about 50 years of age in women. Discharge becomes irregular at the age of 39-51 years, then stops completely.

Start This natural phenomenon can make the girl feel anxious. At first, in girls, bleeding may also be irregular. In a year everything will be back to normal.

Norm– this is 21,28,30 days. The menstrual cycle confirms that the girl is healthy, developed and capable of having offspring.

Women's cycle can lead a girl to pregnancy even from accidental sexual intercourse. A mother must prepare her daughter for adult life so that there is no trouble.

What is the menstrual cycle? A cycle is the period from the first day of bleeding to the first day of the next bleeding.

Duration of the menstrual cycle:

  • average – 28 days
  • short - 21 days
  • long - 35 days
  • in adolescents it is not uncommon - 45 days. This is normal, then everything will work out.

If you notice irregularities in the menstrual cycle, that is, it lasts more than 7 days, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe treatment.

Control over the cycle is provided by hormones: estrogen and progesterone. What it is? These are the most important women's ones.

  • Estrogen promotes the growth of endometrium in the uterus.
  • Progesterone is formed in the middle of the cycle, that is, after ovulation.

Both hormones prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.

Mid-cycle in women, what is it?

Around the middle of the cycle, an egg matures in the female body and is capable of fertilization, that is, ovulation occurs. If you are planning a pregnancy, then at this time female body ready to conceive a baby. How to determine this moment by day.

With a cycle of 28-30 days, ovulation occurs on days 14-15, if you count from the beginning of bleeding.

Sexual intercourse these days most often ends in pregnancy. Buy tests to determine egg maturation. Testing should be done 24-48 hours before ovulation. If you do not plan to have children, then these days are considered the most dangerous.

But testing can be tricky because there are many different factors that can affect cycle length. You can calculate the phases of your menstrual cycle yourself if you measure your basal temperature daily. Some women count these days for conception, while others - on the contrary, so as not to get pregnant.

  1. Take a regular thermometer. Early in the morning, without getting out of bed, without making sudden movements (this is important!), insert it into the rectum.
  2. Keep there for 7 minutes.
  3. Write down the readings.
  4. Based on daily readings, draw a graph. Indicate the days of measurements on the top line, and the basal rate on the side. Place points at the junction, which are then connected by a straight line.

When does this process begin?

On days when the temperature rises sharply, ovulation occurs.

It is important for every woman to know the phases of the cycle so as not to make mistakes in the calculation. Cycle phases, what are they? These are important periods between menstruation.

  • First phase– follicular (the first phase, how many days does it last? 3-4 days);
  • Second phase- ovulation;
  • Third phase- luteal.

Follicular gives rise to the formation and maturation of the egg. Ovulation - designed to perform an important female function - conception.

What happens in the second phase?

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature is approximately 36.8°C. 1-2 days before ovulation there is a decrease by literally a fraction of a degree. Then the indicator begins to increase within 3 days and remains at these levels until the end of the second phase (37.0-37.5°C). The body is preparing for pregnancy.

Attention! Any stress, illness, alcohol, bad habits can change your schedule and ovulation may occur on another day, followed by an unwanted pregnancy. What happens to the body if the elevated temperature lasts for two weeks? Congratulations on your pregnancy!

The average duration of the second phase of the cycle, what does this mean for a woman? Within 4-6 days you can conceive a child.

The luteal phase occurs in two ways:

  • with a fertilized egg;
  • or without it, if it was not fertilized;
  • If conception has occurred, the corpus luteum begins to be produced, which actively secretes the hormone lutein. It is he who will support and “feed” the egg.

What prevents a woman from aging

These are hormones. A woman’s performance, attractiveness and mood often depend on them. In addition, the production of hormones changes almost every day during the process of bleeding, which is why women’s mood changes so often.

It is important to know the days of your cycle, the description of which will help you get to know yourself better. In 1 day The uterus throws out the spent endometrium, that is, bleeding begins. A woman may experience malaise and pain in the lower abdomen. To reduce pain, you can take No-shpu, Buscopan, Belastezin, Papaverine.

On day 2 heavy sweating begins. On day 3 the uterus is very open, which can contribute to infection. On this day, a woman can also become pregnant, so sex should be protected.

From 4 days The mood begins to improve, efficiency appears, as menstruation is nearing completion.

What is the cycle by day in the second half? Days starting from 9th to 11th day considered dangerous, you may become pregnant. They say that at this time you can conceive a girl. And on the day of ovulation and immediately after it is suitable for conceiving a boy.

On day 12 Women's libido increases, which entails a strong sexual desire.

When does the second half start? From 14 days when the egg begins to move towards the male principle, ovulation occurs. On day 16 a woman may gain weight as her appetite increases. Until 19 days the possibility of becoming pregnant remains.

From 20 days“safe” days begin. What are “safe days”? These days, the possibility of getting pregnant decreases.

Many women ask the question: is it possible for a woman to get pregnant before her menstrual cycle?

The probability is low, but no one can give a complete guarantee. The period of menstruation can change under the influence of many factors. No woman has an even cycle throughout her life. Even a cold, fatigue or stress can change it.

Many doctors warn that the body is capable of “giving out” repeated ovulation, so even 1 day before your period you can conceive.

Every woman should know the female cycle by day, what happens on these days, because it will show when you are ready to conceive, when you are passionate or, on the contrary, cold, why your mood changes so much.

Sexual cycles

When you hear - ovarian-menstrual cycle, it is the cyclicity of gonadotropin secretion that is established in the body. The concept of the sexual cycle includes the normal process that occurs in the ovaries under the influence of hormones, followed by menstruation.

Its duration is on average 28 +/- 7 days. What interval between periods is considered normal? If fertilization does not occur, then as soon as this cycle ends, the period of a new cycle begins. How long does it take? The interval between menstruation, the norm is from 21 to 35 days. But it also happens differently. Keep a small calendar where you will mark the first day of the appearance of discharge.

It is worth noting that 14 days should pass between ovulation and the next menstruation, but deviations of 1-2 days are possible. If you notice that your cycle is too short or too long, you should contact your gynecologist to find out the reasons.

Violation of cyclicity may indicate diseases of the genital area. When does cycle lengthening begin? The cycle can lengthen only after 45 years, as changes occur in the process of egg maturation.

Sometimes a woman may notice spotting after her period. This shouldn't happen!

A drop of blood can only be released at the moment of ovulation. If you notice sudden discharge, do not treat yourself - consult a doctor immediately!

Phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. Titles:

  • Menstrual (desquamation phase)
  • Postmenstrual (estrogenic, proliferative, reparative or follicular)
  • Premenstrual (progestin, luteal, secretory phase preceding pregnancy).

Menstrual phase lasts on average 4 days. The first day of the cycle is the beginning of endometrial shedding. These days, progesterone is absent, and estrogen has not yet formed.

Postmenstrual phase– begins on the 5th day of the ovarian cycle, ends 1-2 days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. During this phase, follicles grow and develop. During the development of follicles, large amounts of estrogens are produced.

Premenstrual phase lasts 12-14 days. High levels of progesterone these days create favorable conditions for implantation of the embryo.

The graph shows the period of menstruation when you can get pregnant.

Girls' first menstruation

My daughter must go through all the stages of her growing up, including the beginning of her period. First of all, we need to explain what menstruation is in girls. The simplest explanation is that this phenomenon is inherent in nature and there is no need to be afraid of it. It is imperative to explain what the duration of the menstrual cycle is.

It is important for a girl to know the phases of menstruation, because in the middle of them a girl can become pregnant, which is very undesirable for an immature body. Which phase is considered the most dangerous, every teenager should also know about this.

How menstruation occurs is described in the test above. This process is the same for both an adult woman and a girl. But if an adult woman already knows what symptoms precede her, then the teenager needs to be clearly explained.

Before the onset of menstruation, the following are observed: phenomena:

  • nagging pain in the sacrum, often in the lower back;
  • headache;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • nipple sensitivity;
  • increase ;
  • Sometimes mucous discharge occurs.

Selection by day:

  • 1 day- scanty discharge;
  • 2.3 day– abundant;
  • 4.5 day- reduction of secretions;
  • 6-7 day- cessation of menstruation.

Dear mothers, when your daughter is 10-11 years old, start a conversation about approaching the natural process. Teach how to use sanitary pads and other personal hygiene items. The main thing is to talk about early pregnancy and its consequences so that your daughter’s life is joyful and without unnecessary problems.

A woman is the guardian of the clan, since the main goal of her life is to bear and give life to a child. An egg can only be fertilized during a certain phase of the menstrual cycle - the ovulatory phase, after which the luteal phase begins (progesterone phase, corpus luteum phase).

In this topic, we want to tell you in detail what the luteal phase is in women, what day of the cycle it comes on and how long it lasts. In addition, we will look at luteal phase deficiency, its symptoms and treatment.

The luteal phase of the cycle is the period that begins from the moment of ovulation and continues until the onset of menstruation. During this phase, the follicle ruptures, and its cells accumulate pigment and fats, which color it yellow. Because of its color, I call this follicle the corpus luteum. This also explains the second name of the luteal phase – the corpus luteum phase.

The main function of the corpus luteum is the production of androgens, estrogens and, which are sex hormones. Progesterone is also called the “pregnancy hormone” because it prepares the endometrium for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

Once pregnancy occurs, this hormone keeps the uterus relaxed, preventing miscarriage or premature birth. If a woman does not become pregnant, then the synthesis of hormones by the corpus luteum stops and menstruation comes.

You also need to know what the follicular phase is. The menstrual cycle goes through several stages, the first of which is the follicular phase, that is, the period from the beginning of menstruation to the onset of ovulation.

How long does the luteal phase last?

Normally, the corpus luteum phase takes 12-16 days. But you need to understand that the length of the luteal phase directly depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the functioning of the yellow follicle and the characteristics of the woman’s hormonal background.

For example, with a 28-day cycle, the luteal phase lasts 14 days, but it can occur one day earlier or later.

A longer duration of the luteal phase may cause ovarian cysts to appear. Pregnancy is also characterized by prolongation of this stage of the menstrual period.

A short luteal phase can be a cause of infertility, so in no case should such a disorder be ignored.

To calculate the duration of the corpus luteum phase, you need to know the duration of the menstrual cycle, which can be calculated using a calendar where the beginning and end of menstruation are marked. The simplest calculation method is the following: the duration of the female cycle is divided by two and the day of ovulation is obtained. Accordingly, the period from ovulation to the beginning of menstruation is the luteal phase.

This method, of course, is simple, but not entirely accurate, since many women may experience cycle disruptions, so ovulation occurs at the wrong time.

A more accurate method of determining the duration of the luteal phase is to recognize the day of ovulation by the level of temperature in the anus (above 37 ° C) or monitoring using gynecological ultrasound. The calculated duration of the corpus luteum phase using this method will be accurate, unlike the previous method.

What is the normal level of progesterone in the luteal phase?

The level of progesterone in the blood of women varies not only throughout life, but also throughout the month, depending on the phase of the cycle. The normal level of this hormone ranges from 6 to 56 pmol/l. During the corpus luteum phase, progesterone levels peak.

If the level of progesterone is low during the luteal phase, then most likely this means that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body.

The level of progesterone in the blood is determined using a blood test, and the blood must be taken during the expected luteal phase, that is, in the second half of the cycle.

To exclude an erroneous result of a blood test for sex hormones, it is necessary to properly prepare for the test, namely:

  • several months before the test, you need to count the duration of the menstrual cycle in order to find out the date of ovulation and choose the optimal day for blood sampling;
  • 24 hours before blood sampling, you need to remove foods that contain a lot of fat, fried and spicy foods, coffee and alcoholic drinks from your diet.
  • the day before the analysis, you should limit physical activity and protect yourself from nervous shock;
  • the analysis is carried out strictly on an empty stomach, so the last meal should be no later than eight hours before blood sampling;
  • If you are taking any medications, you should inform the doctor who referred you for this study, since progesterone levels may be affected. oral contraceptives and other drugs.

The consequences of low progesterone in the luteal phase can be infertility, spontaneous miscarriages, premature birth and other pathological conditions.

Based on the results of a blood test, a gynecologist may consider carrying out hormone replacement therapy.

When progesterone is elevated in the luteal phase, drugs are used that restore the balance of sex hormones in a woman’s body.

If a pregnant woman has a low level of progesterone in the blood, then progestins are also prescribed, since a deficiency of this hormone can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Also, when testing blood for hormonal hormone levels, the level in the blood must be determined. The norm for this indicator in the corpus luteum phase is considered to be 91-861 pmol/l.

Elevated estradiol in the luteal phase is also a sign of hormonal imbalance in the body or some disease.

Insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle: causes, symptoms and treatment

Low progesterone in the luteal phase may be due to the following reasons:

  • malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system due to psycho-emotional shock, traumatic brain injury or infectious diseases with brain damage;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • diseases of the ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, which are accompanied by hyper- or hypofunction of the organ.

Progesterone deficiency in the luteal phase can only manifest itself as a failure of the monthly cycle, that is, the woman will not have any external signs of hormonal failure.

Before you begin treatment for progesterone deficiency, you need to determine the causes of its occurrence.

Treatment of progesterone deficiency in a woman’s body is carried out using hormone replacement therapy (luteal phase support), which stimulates the onset of ovulation. The drugs of choice in this case may be Utrozhestan, Ingesta, Endometrin, Luteina and others.

Treatment will be more effective if it is combined with physiotherapeutic methods (intravaginal phonophoresis), acupuncture and spa treatment.

A timely visit to a specialist and strict adherence to his treatment recommendations will help a woman successfully become pregnant and find the happiness of motherhood.

High progesterone in the luteal phase: when does it happen?

Progesterone in women can increase for several reasons, including:

  • pregnancy;
  • failure of the monthly cycle;
  • corpus luteum cystosis;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • stimulation of ovulation by progestins.

Women who have elevated progesterone may experience the following symptoms:

  • hypersensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • lability nervous system which is manifested by tearfulness, nervousness and sudden changes in mood;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • headache;
  • complete absence or decrease in sexual desire;
  • flatulence.

What is 17-OH progesterone?

17-OH progesterone is an adrenal hormone that controls sexual and reproductive functions. In the female body, the amount of this hormone is much lower than in the male body. Therefore, any changes in its level should not be ignored and require consultation with specialists - an endocrinologist and a gynecologist.

In the follicular phase of the cycle, the synthesis of 17-OH progesterone is at a minimum level, but increases towards the onset of ovulation and remains at this level until the arrival of menstruation.

If 17 OH progesterone is elevated in a woman, this means that pathological changes are occurring in the adrenal glands or ovaries, for example, a benign or malignant tumor has formed.

As a result, we can conclude that the corpus luteum phase is one of the most important periods of the monthly cycle, and changes in progesterone levels in this phase may indicate female infertility.

Each representative of the fair sex has to deal monthly with the phases of her menstrual cycle, with their own characteristics and characteristic symptoms. These phases are significant stages that are responsible for the reproductive function of the female body. The duration and nature of the menstrual phases are largely individual, but the basics and order of their occurrence remain unchanged and have their corresponding names. This whole significant process is cyclical, and begins with the arrival of menstrual bleeding, which is considered to be the first of three phases menstrual cycle.

Any girl or woman in the age range from puberty to menopause must understand the work of her body and understand the purpose of all three phases of the menstrual cycle. With the help of this knowledge, you can easily calculate the favorable period for conceiving a child or, on the contrary, protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and some health problems.

Main phases of the cycle

Every month, with regular cyclicity, three alternating phases of the menstrual cycle occur in a woman’s body. They are characterized by a logical sequence and serve one big purpose - creating favorable conditions for fertilization of the egg and procreation. The menstrual cycle is divided into three main phases:

  • Follicular (first phase);
  • Ovulation (second phase);
  • Luteal (third phase).

These stages perform the functions based on their name. These phases are based on hormonal regulation, which promotes the process and controls its outcome. The beginning of the menstrual cycle is the beginning of the very first phase - the follicular one, which is what gives rise to such an important process as education and.

The first is the follicular phase

The initial phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by intensive growth of follicles and the formation of eggs in them. The first day of menstruation marks the start of a new follicular phase of the cycle and intensive production of follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen begins. During this period, follicles are growing, which a little later will become a container and a place for maturation of the egg.

Estrogen provides support to the follicles and this continues for about 7 days, until one of the follicular vesicles reaches the necessary parameters for the maturation of the egg in it. Further growth is focused only on the egg, and the “extra” follicles stop functioning. A high concentration of estrogen gives a signal for the start of the production of luteinizing hormone, which, in turn, prepares for future ovulation. The duration of the first phase is individual for each woman, but it should not exceed 20 days.

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The second phase is ovulation

The second phase of the menstrual cycle is quite short, but at the same time very significant. Ovulation is the achievement for which the menstrual cycle actually exists. It is intended for the possibility of fertilization and the realization of the main purpose of a woman - procreation. The ability and possibility of fertilization is possible within just 48 hours, and sometimes less. During this short period of 2 days, the woman’s reproductive system faces a responsible task, and if fertilization does not occur, the egg dies.

An increased concentration of luteinizing hormone promotes enhanced maturation and subsequent release of the egg from the follicle. Under its influence, important processes occur that ensure the preparation of the endometrial walls. When the egg reaches full maturity and is ready for fertilization, the follicular vesicle ruptures and a full-fledged egg is released into the fallopian tube for fusion with sperm. In the cavity of the ruptured follicle, intensive growth of the corpus luteum begins, which, in turn, intensively produces progesterone and provides favorable conditions for successful fertilization and implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. The next cycle can have 2 outcomes, depending on whether fertilization occurred or not.

The third phase is the luteal phase

The development of the third phase of the menstrual cycle can occur in two scenarios: with a fertilized egg or if fertilization has not occurred. This time, special attention is paid to the resulting yellow body. In case of successful conception, it actively produces luteal hormone, which supports and nourishes the fertilized egg until the placenta is formed. Due to the importance of the purpose of this hormone, the third phase has its characteristic name - luteal. Together with the luteal hormone, active production of progesterone continues during this period, which also takes an active part in supporting the fertilized egg. Ultimately, the harmonious and mutually beneficial production of female hormones ensures complete preparation for fertilization, fusion, and subsequent nutrition and protection of the already fertilized egg.

If fertilization still does not occur, the corpus luteum stops its development and atrophies. The prepared, loosened mucous membrane of the uterus and the dead egg are rejected and come out in the form of menstrual bleeding, which, in turn, already means the beginning of a new, first phase and the entire described process is repeated anew.

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Cycle phases by day

The phases of the menstrual cycle by day are conventionally divided into 3 intervals. The first and third phases are considered the longest. It is interesting that the follicular and ovulation phases have an individual and unfixed duration, and the luteal phase always corresponds in duration - 2 weeks or 14 days. As many people know, the entire menstrual cycle can last from 20 to 35 days, and this will be considered normal. Menstrual bleeding is also individual in nature, but it is mandatory for every lady.

To understand what happens and when during these +/- 28 days, it is necessary to consider the duration of each specific phase.

  1. The follicular phase is the period from the beginning of menstruation until the egg is fully ready for release from the follicle (ovulation). Depending on the characteristics of the body, it can last from 7 to 20 days. At the beginning of this phase, the woman experiences malaise and discomfort in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Later, strength is restored and unpleasant symptoms recede.
  2. – it’s time for the egg to be ready for fertilization. This phase is the shortest and most important. The ability of an egg to fuse with a sperm and fertilize lasts from 20 to 48 hours, which is also highly individual and depends on many factors. Some women feel ovulation and even notice characteristic discharge on their underwear.
  3. . Regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not, this phase continues for the last 14 days. If pregnancy does not occur, then its end and, therefore, the beginning of a new cycle will be monthly bleeding. During this period, many ladies suffer from premenstrual syndrome () and experience not the most pleasant physical and psychological symptoms and sensations in their body. If, after all, the menstrual cycle has fulfilled its intended purpose, and fertilization has occurred, then pregnancy occurs and the further actions of female hormones will focus on the growth, nutrition and development of the fetus.

What can affect the cycle shift

The considered phases of menstruation are a very clear and fragile mechanism that can be disrupted due to many factors. The main supporters of these phases are hormones, which mutually replace each other to achieve a single goal - conception and birth of a child. A disruption in the production of any of the hormones will lead to a break in the sequential chain and affect the final outcome and duration of the cycle.

Every month, a woman’s reproductive system undergoes certain changes that leave an imprint on both her physiological and psychological state. They are necessary so that the female body can prepare for conception - and then for pregnancy. Such changes are regular and are called the menstrual cycle - which, in turn, consists of several phases.

Let's take a closer look at how they pass, how long they last, and what signs indicate the onset of each phase.

The first phase of the menstrual cycle is called menstruation

What should you know about menstruation?

Its duration is approximately 3-7 days.

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Bloody vaginal discharge.
  2. Breast augmentation.
  3. Pain in the abdomen.
  4. Irritability.
  5. Pain in the lumbar region.
  6. Changeability of mood.
  7. Nausea and sometimes vomiting.
  8. Headache.

Not all of the above signs will necessarily accompany “critical” days. For many girls, they pass quietly, and the only thing that indicates menstruation is the presence of uterine bleeding.

The cause of painful and heavy periods, nausea, chills, and headaches may be an increased level of prostaglandins in the blood during this phase. These chemicals are produced by the tissue of the uterus and cause it to contract.

The menstrual cycle begins from the day on which the spotting began from the genitals. During it, the old endometrium is rejected.

Uterine bleeding indicates that pregnancy did not occur in the previous cycle.

At the same time, the ovaries begin to develop follicles. This is the name given to bubbles filled with liquid. Each of them contains one egg. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, they begin to mature.

How thick should the uterine mucosa be during menstruation?



What happens during the second, follicular (proliferative) phase of the cycle?

After the end of menstruation, the female body begins to prepare for the possible conception of a baby. All processes occurring during this period are caused by follicle-stimulating hormone - which, in turn, is produced by the pituitary gland.

Thus, FSH has a huge impact on the level of estrogen in the blood. Starting from the 1st day of menstruation, it rapidly grows upward. Thanks to this, the endometrium, which has grown in the new cycle, is saturated with blood and various nutrients. This is necessary so that, in the event of a successful conception, the fertilized egg can receive in the uterus everything it needs for further growth and development.

Immediately after the end of menstruation, one follicle “overtakes” its comrades in its development, as a result of which the latter stop growing and return to their previous state. The “winning” vial of liquid continues to grow the egg.

Size of liquid bubble in diameter



About a woman’s well-being during this period

During the second phase the girl:

  1. Efficiency increases.
  2. Your mood improves.
  3. Sexual desire increases.

Endometrial thickness in the proliferative phase



Third, ovulatory phase of the cycle

The ovulatory phase, unlike the others, lasts very little - approximately 24-36 hours. It is during this phase that women have a chance to get pregnant.

The level of the hormone estrogen in the third phase is at its highest level. During ovulation, the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood increases, but the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone decreases.

What happens to the mature egg during this phase?

First, it destroys the wall of the follicle - and, with the help of epithelial villi, begins to move into the fallopian tube.

Then, if she meets a sperm, she is fertilized.

Otherwise, the egg dies just a day after leaving the ovary, after which it dissolves in the uterine mucosa.

In addition, you can determine the presence or absence of ovulation using home tests.

The beginning of the ovulatory phase can also be detected on ultrasound examination, during which the doctor will have to find out what the size of the ovaries and cervix is, and in what condition they are now.

The thickness of the endometrium during the ovulatory phase should be within 1-1.3 cm.

The fourth phase of the menstrual cycle is the corpus luteum phase, or luteal phase.

Its duration is fourteen days.

After the egg leaves the vial of liquid, a yellow body begins to grow at the site of its rupture. It produces estrogens, androgens, and the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone.

If the corpus luteum produces progesterone in small quantities, then fertilization of the egg may not occur for a long time.

In order for a woman to become pregnant and then give birth to a child on time, doctors may prescribe her to take special hormonal drugs.

What other function does progesterone perform?

Thanks to it, the endometrium softens, becomes loose, and increases in thickness. This is necessary so that the fertilized egg can penetrate into it.

Whether pregnancy has occurred or not can only be determined at the end of the luteal phase. Menstruation, if conception has occurred, will not begin. Basal temperature will remain at 37.3.

You can use home test, which can be bought at any pharmacy, or by donating blood at the clinic to check the hCG level.

Nausea, dizziness and other signs of conception that have occurred appear much later.

Signs and symptoms of the luteal phase

If the egg was not fertilized by a sperm, then in the first days of the luteal phase the girl will feel great. A “pregnant” woman will feel the same way.

The only sign that can indicate to her that conception has occurred is the appearance of a few drops of blood on her underwear - 7-10 days after intimacy.

If pregnancy does not occur, then a few days before menstruation the woman’s condition may change. She may have PMS syndrome, which is often associated with a woman’s irritability and anxiety. Her mammary glands may swell and she may experience minor abdominal pain.

How thick should the endometrium be during the luteal phase?

