What does the sign of Aries look like? Aries symbols. What number does the sign of Aries begin with?

The astrological forecast is based on: February 23, 2020(Moscow, GMT +3:00)

It's time to make a difficult decision; You can’t put it off any longer, there’s no time to weigh the pros and cons. Of course, you can take someone's advice, but you will probably regret it later. Financial difficulties are possible, and there is a risk of losing a significant amount.

Your health leaves much to be desired, you suffer from loss of strength, and chronic ailments remind you of themselves. Disagreements with others arise frequently; in the hope of maintaining peace, you make concessions that you should not agree to. You should take on new business with great caution, because you tend to overestimate your strengths and make promises that are difficult to keep.

Zodiac sign Aries: horoscope

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac for a reason; it gives rise to the chain of the zodiac circle. It is these people who are able to create, create, start and lead great things. Aries energy is always directed towards the future. These people are pure from the inside. They believe in their idea, see the goal and achieve it in various ways.

The Aries horoscope says that people born under this sign strive to fulfill their destiny, go forward, proving their intentions with deeds. Aries are always young at heart, do not follow traditions, and have no prejudices. Important characteristic Aries - the desire to go towards the goal, crushing obstacles, decisively breaking down barriers.

Defeat is unacceptable for this zodiac sign. He will never back down if he is sure that he is on the right path.

According to the horoscope, Aries are doomed to win. In the series of unusual events in the life of this zodiac sign, victory becomes something taken for granted. But after achievements, pauses are required, and therefore falls are also characteristic of energetic Aries.

The zodiac sign Aries always makes its own way without looking around. Freedom from stereotypes is their main difficulty and main advantage. At the same time, people born under the first zodiac sign are completely incapable of learning from the mistakes of others. This makes it difficult to understand between Aries and others.

But it is precisely this trait that saves this zodiac sign from stereotyped behavior and allows you to stand out from the crowd, often creating the most interesting, brilliant people. Their ideas are not imposed by standard thinking and therefore go beyond the ordinary and give birth to new projects. The Aries horoscope instructs them to go their own way, to reinvent the wheel.

First decade (March 21 - March 30)

People born during this period absorbed as much as possible the characteristic features of the representatives of this sign. This is due to the fact that the first decade is under the rule of the planet Mars, which endowed Aries with enormous energy, initiative and courage, which sometimes amazes others with its recklessness.

People born during this period are distinguished by charm and charisma, often become the life of the party and can literally make everyone around them fall in love with them. This impression goes away instantly if you get caught by Aries when he is out of sorts. It’s interesting, but during this period people with musical talents are born.

Second decade (March 31 - April 9)

In the second decade, people are born who perfectly combine the qualities of Aries and Leo. In this case, the influence of the formidable and energetic Mars is softened by the Sun (the planet of Leo), which is reflected in the softness and docile nature of the representatives of this period.

But as soon as someone touches their dignity or doubts their honor, the offender will fully learn the hard way what the power of Aries is in combination with the royal nature of Leo. Among all the zodiac signs, representatives of the second decade are the most respectable people who pay great attention to their health and physical fitness.

Third decade (April 10 - April 20)

Representatives of this sign, born in the last decade, have pronounced strong leadership qualities. They are able not only to take the initiative, but are also ready to lead crowds of like-minded people, whom they can create for themselves, since those born in the third decade have a huge gift of persuasion and passion.

Aries of the third decade received these qualities from the planet Jupiter, which, along with Mars, rules this period. Jupiter also endowed his wards with lively interest, a variety of hobbies, restlessness and curiosity. People born on April 20, who combine the qualities of both Aries and Taurus, are separately characterized. Most often, these representatives are dictators and tyrants due to their strong authoritarian character.

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Planet of Aries

Aries is ruled by Mars. According to ancient Roman mythology, Mars is the god of war. Therefore, he rewards his players with fearlessness and determination.

These are brave and aggressive people. They are able to mobilize all their internal forces and meet any opponent with dignity, while having a good chance of winning.

Unfortunately, they rarely bring the matter to a victorious end. Most likely, by the time they can reap their laurels, they will plunge headlong into solving a new problem.

Element of Aries

Aries is a Fire sign. The influence of Mars and the Sun gives spark, tireless movement and a tendency to exaggerate. Aries will do anything to avoid boredom and depression. They feel more than they think. Aries lead an active lifestyle, so they don’t get stuck on the sidelines of life for long, if they ever find themselves there at all. They are not afraid to step into new territory, enter the fight decisively and make a significant contribution to victory. Of course, some of the decisions they make may later seem too hasty, but you will never meet an Aries who regrets what they did. The motto of this fire sign is: “Always forward!” Aries enthusiastically make plans, although they do not always translate them into reality.

The zodiac is compared to the path of life. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and therefore it symbolizes birth. This is the baby of the zodiac and, like any baby, he is completely absorbed in himself and his sensations. His needs are primary, he doesn’t care about others, so it’s not surprising that the main distinguishing feature of Aries is obvious egocentrism. He thinks first of all about himself.

However, they are very friendly people, usually with energetic manners. They fight against any injustice without mincing words, can be hot and furious and always express their point of view directly. There is nothing hidden or complicated about this sign.

Appearance indicates extreme self-confidence and egocentrism, but not pessimism. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado and showing off. He does not feel that he can cause any inconvenience to others. Such innocent narcissism softens the impression of Aries's aggressiveness; it is as difficult to be offended by him as by a child.

Aries are not afraid of new things. Those born under this sign are often called the pioneers of the zodiac, and it is this ability to step into the unknown without fear that often brings them success. But Aries does not like to plan, because plans bring order. When everything is in order, it is difficult to hide imperfections. Doing things spontaneously is the motto of Aries. The main thing is to start, and others will finish it.

As a rule, Aries achieve success in their careers.

From Aries come out wonderful salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, policemen, butchers, wonderful surgeons, sculptors. They get along well with fire and metal. But regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best.

However, they are bad politicians: they do not know how to hide their thoughts, feelings and intentions, and they have very unique ideas about what the people need, but they know how to put their ideas into practice.

Aries is confident that no one else will do the job as well as he does. This can lead to nervous exhaustion; Aries cannot be accused of laziness. Aries never sit idly by, waiting for success to come to them on its own, without their help. If you give them the opportunity to show organizational skills and initiative and give them some freedom of action, then you will see what real work is like.

Aries the boss Can't stand quitters and hacks. When working under the supervision of an Aries, be prepared to stay late, and sometimes come to work on Sunday. But he will turn a blind eye if you are late for work, return half an hour later than your lunch break, or ask for a day off in the middle of the week.

The energy of Aries drives many people crazy, but in principle they can be calm when they want. Creative energy can embrace Aries at any time of the day, and then you shouldn’t disturb him. Despite his lack of attention to detail, he will do his job to perfection. Money plays a secondary role as an incentive. If Aries has to choose between fame and money, he will choose the former.

Aries will never admit that he is wrong. Aries, who are under the protection of Mars, are generally incapable of admitting defeat in anything and will stop at nothing in the pursuit of success. And for most Aries, luck really accompanies them - both in art and in business.

Despite the excessive straightforwardness that shocks many, Aries, if he wants, can be a model of social manners and talk for hours in an exciting way about things about which he has only a superficial understanding.

Aries speech can be ironic, it is extremely easy to provoke anger in him, which quickly passes. They quickly forget grievances. If possible, they can even apologize to their enemy if they feel that they have offended him. Aries hate gossip, if only because they are too busy with themselves to waste time on other people's behavior, secret plans and affairs.

As a rule, Aries has no undertones in his assessment of people and events: there are enemies and friends; There is black and white, but there is no gray; something can be good or bad, but not average. He is only interested in today, or rather in the present moment. However, he surprisingly combines a realist and an idealist, prone to poetry, sentimentality, and belief in miracles.

Despite outward self-confidence, Aries needs approval and support from employees, wives, and even passers-by. He can be terribly happy when someone recognizes his merits, and, on the contrary, he can become despondent if he finds out that his subordinates do not approve of his leadership methods or underestimate his abilities.

Although Aries are desperately brave, courageous, and determined, they absolutely cannot stand physical pain. Therefore, for example, a visit to the dentist will be postponed until the last minute. It's hard to put them to bed when they don't feel well, but if they go to bed, it means they're really sick. Aries is an impatient patient. His attitude towards illness: do not go to bed, move, do not give up. The real cause of their illnesses lies in impatience.

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Aries opens a new zodiac cycle, belongs to the element of Fire, has a special charisma (quality) of a pioneer, initiative and determination. Even with a calm temperament, Aries never forget about their goals and, as a rule, sooner or later achieve what they want. The initiative and activity of representatives of this sign allows them to find new tasks that Aries sets for its followers.

Getting excited about an idea and igniting its fire for others is more important for Aries than bringing the matter to completion. Routine duties, consistency and pedantry are not the strong traits of this sign. Pressure, short-term powerful effort, search for a goal and reconnaissance in force - this is what distinguishes Aries from other signs of the zodiac.

Character of the sign

Aries' sense of purpose also provides him with energy for a short period of time. A quick loss of interest in what has been started and the need for new experiences often pushes Aries towards risky activities and professions. They are straightforward in communication, sometimes even too much, but sincere like children. This sincerity often borders on tactlessness and can turn into rudeness. But Aries themselves cannot hold a grudge for a long time, they abruptly break off relationships, without regretting the past.

If someone or something arouses interest, then Aries is ready to overcome any obstacles in order to get closer to the desired object, but often quickly becomes disappointed in both people and activities.

Creatively gifted, persistent when touched, strong in spirit - these are excellent sprinters, generals, rescuers, reporters in the theater of war, explorers and travelers. They can choose to serve the law and maintain order as their profession, or they are on the other side of law and order. In any case, the choice depends on your personal horoscope. Representatives of the first sign of the element of Fire are driven by high ideals, sublime feelings, including harmony and beauty.

But often the rudeness of pressure and stubbornness break the fragile harmony, sending Aries in search of new pure beauty.

Energy of the sign

Aries is fearless, stubborn, selfish and requires special attention from others to themselves and their plans. You shouldn’t get in his way; if Aries has something in mind, he will achieve it by any means necessary, sometimes crossing the boundaries of morality. Having caught fire with a new idea, he spends more energy than necessary, but quickly regains his strength. The worst thing for Aries is the loss of interest in the business that occupied him.

Pauses and delays, paperwork, and small details can completely discourage you from achieving what you want.

Aries without the energy flow of Ideas is a pitiful sight until it finds a new goal. Depression, as a result of loss of interest, fetters the will and makes Aries intolerable to communicate for some time. They do not tolerate blind obedience and prefer to occupy leadership positions or work alone. He does not notice how he makes enemies for himself due to his strong desire for competition.

Trouble always comes to them unexpectedly, because Aries does not notice his mistakes, does not recognize the cunning of his enemies, and hates secret manipulations. Aries's shortcomings are a continuation of his advantages. Aries are intolerant, stubborn, overestimate themselves, they lack patience, they are prone to quarrels and cannot give in. They should learn to ask for forgiveness and be more tolerant of others, but they are not able to listen to other people's advice, which leads to difficult situations.

The weak point is the lack of self-discipline and unwillingness to obey conventions. This often harms both your career and the development of necessary connections. In the life of Aries, periods of success alternate with crises.

Aries Love and Relationships

It is very important for Aries to take care of someone; representatives of this sign love to provide loved ones with everything they need, often skilled craftsmen of various crafts.

Love means a lot to representatives of this fire sign. Falling in love does not interfere with a long-term relationship if the partner knows how to maintain interest in himself, shares the varied interests of Aries and is ready for adventure. Loyalty to one's ideals and integrity of nature is the main quality of Aries, which allows them to create long-term alliances. In love they are passionate and persistent, sometimes despotic.

They demand complete dedication from their loved ones, but they themselves consider their emotionality to be a weak point and try to suppress feelings so as not to become dependent on their loved one.

Compatibility of Aries with other signs

The best alliances are with Gemini and Aquarius. Representatives of the earth element look too realistically at the ideas of Aries, so it is difficult to maintain a long alliance. Other signs of the cardinal cross - Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - can become real partners for Aries if they have common global goals. Representatives of these signs activate each other to achieve goals, but irreconcilable contradictions may arise that are difficult to resolve peacefully.

With brothers in the element of Fire, the best partnership is possible with Sagittarius, who manages to direct the energy of Aries towards those very high, unattainable ideals, but it is more difficult to get along with Leo due to the egocentrism of both signs.

Aries men

They strive to lead, to be independent, they need to compete and win. Often heartthrobs and womanizers, they are successful with women. Ambitious. Read full description.

Aries Women

They can act at the expense of the strength and pressure of those around them, like a master of martial arts, but they often find themselves involved in men's games and can lose independence without noticing in time the threat of “capture.” Read full description.

Aries Child

Requires special attention due to impulsiveness and frequent changes of interest. It is difficult for them to blindly obey and requires daily mobility; physical activity is mandatory for the baby’s health. Read full description.

Health sign

When it comes to health, it is important for Aries not to overload the nervous system, sleep well, monitor the condition of blood vessels and kidney function, and also avoid head injuries. Restless Aries spends a lot of energy and needs high-calorie food containing enough phosphorus - the main link in the body's energy balance. Aries usually does not pay attention to food - he eats whenever and whatever he wants. The most useful, but difficult thing to do, is to eat regularly at about the same time.

Life cycles often coincide with the 11-year period of solar activity, when the personal cycle of Aries is updated, you can safely set new tasks that are radically different from previous activities.

Geographically, the sign of Aries corresponds to the country of Germany and the city of London.

Celebrities born under the sign of Aries: Adolf Hitler, Gary Oldman, Reese Witherspoon, Alexander Tsekalo, Erich Fromm, Vladimir Klitschko, Elton John, Keira Knightley, Harry Houdini, Quentin Tarantino, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lady Gaga, Maxim Gorky, Celine Dion, Vincent Van Gogh, Laima Vaikule, Ewan McGregor, Nikolai Gogol, Sergei Rachmaninov, Sergei Lazarev, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Marlon Brando, Robert Daney Jr., Heath Ledger, Jackie Chan, Valentina Matvienko, Igor Akinfeev, Jeremy Clarkson, Irina Khakamada, Sergei Shnurov , Alla Pugacheva, Leonardo da Vinci, Ivan Urgant, Charlie Chaplin, Victoria Beckham, Elena Temnikova, James Franco, Basta, Maria Sharapova, Dmitry Nagiyev

Aries is a fighter. The sign is dry and ardent. Any planet (as well as the Sun and Moon), falling into the sign of Aries, displays the traits and qualities of its nature aggressively. Aries - this is the beginning of the beginning! This is an insight, an idea and a flash, a momentary insight, this is a thought that has arisen.

  • Aries motto:“Where others slow down, I step on the gas”
  • Lucky days for Aries: Tuesday, Sunday.
  • Unlucky days: Friday Saturday.
  • Aries numbers: 4, 7, 9 (and all divisible by 9), 11.
  • Aries colors: blue, lilac, bright red, crimson, orange; The purple color does not suit representatives of this sign very well.
  • Aries Flowers: violet, cornflower, sweet pea, anemone.
  • Aries talisman: The Golden Fleece.
  • WITH Partial numbers in the lottery: 7, 12, 17 and their combinations in any order.
  • Aries symbol: a ram with horns curved back.
  • Aries element: fire.
  • Aries Temperament: choleric
  • Season: spring.
  • Planet ruler of Aries: Mars, Pluto.
  • Exile: Venus.
  • Exaltation: Sun.
  • A fall: Saturn.
  • Key values: idea, inspiration, creativity, competition, energy, power.
  • Anatomical compliance: head, skull bones, brain, cerebral vessels, central nervous system, eyeballs, optic nerve, auditory nerve, hearing organs, olfactory organs, teeth.
  • Aries personality traits: courage, activity, determination, haste, thoughtlessness, energy, nobility, honesty, openness, decency, loyalty, a tendency to lead, the desire to be the center of attention, aggressiveness, rudeness, tactlessness, self-confidence.
  • Situations: fighting, arguing, defending yourself and your loved ones (in general, situations that require courage), competition, speaking in front of an audience, passion, invention, creative process, pioneering, leadership.
  • Food: poultry (especially chicken), sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes, citrus fruits (especially oranges and tangerines), onions, garlic. Berries: blueberries, blackberries, honeysuckle. Vegetables: potatoes, carrots. Greens: dill, anise, parsley, caraway seeds, lettuce. Coriander.

Any horoscope reveals the sign Aries, and this is no coincidence. After all, the day of the vernal equinox is considered the astronomical beginning of spring, and Aries comes first in the zodiac circle. Aries are different from other zodiac signs; they are always the center of attention, and rarely retreat from difficulties. The spring sign Aries is a leader by nature; he is not afraid of obstacles; on the contrary, problems provoke Aries, and he strives forward. Aries rarely pay attention to the opinions of others, because people born under this sign try to prove to themselves that they are truly the best.

The symbols of this sign are: deer, ram, green and red-yellow squares. Since ancient times, the golden fleece and the hammer have been considered the talismans of Aries. Lucky stones for Aries include emerald, ruby, amethyst and bloodstone, as well as diamond, aquamarine, heliotrope and moonstone on this list. The most successful plants for Aries will be hawthorn, sweet pea, anemone, violet and cornflower. Lucky days for Aries are Tuesday and Sunday, but Friday and Saturday are considered unlucky days. Don't forget about Aries' lucky numbers - these include numbers divisible by nine.

Aries - dates of birth

People born between March 21 and April 20 proudly call themselves Aries. Aries born from March 21 to March 31 are under the influence of Mars, they are particularly courageous, however, guys who celebrate their birthdays during this period are somewhat aggressive and often undisciplined. Important years for March Aries are 15, 30, 45 and 75.

Aries born from April 1 to April 11 are patronized by Mars and the Sun - April creatures are proud and noble. Aries are able to find a way out of any difficult situation, they love to command and easily manipulate people. The ages at which Aries achieve success and the most important years of their life are 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60 and 76.

Venus and Mars, which patronize Aries in the third decade (from April 12 to 20), endow them with dexterity and impulsiveness. People born during this period are not like March Aries - they are calm, collected and businesslike. Important years are 15, 30, 36,40, 60 and 66.

Both March and April Aries are unusually ambitious and stubborn. Impulsiveness often pushes them to act rashly. Aries are 100% extroverts - they are ready to get involved in adventures every day, and almost always get away with it.

Aries - characteristics

Aries is ruled by Mars. The planet is named after the god of war; it endows Aries with many qualities, first of all, temperament and energy. The element of Aries is fire, considered the engine of the world. Fire gives Aries strength, passion and vitality. The advantages of Aries include their eternal busyness - Aries are restless and impatient, they enthusiastically rush into new ventures. True, Aries quickly cool down, and with the same zeal they find the next adventure, abandoning the business they started halfway.

Aries are individualists and are hard to miss. They instantly grasp the essence of phenomena and always draw the right conclusions. But a frivolous character often harms Aries - they are either loved or hated. Those around them always admire the spontaneity of Aries, and no one remains indifferent. Aries do everything to make their life bright and interesting. Arguing with representatives of the sign is pointless, and even dangerous - Aries will still insist on their own, even if they are sure that they are wrong.

Aries are born conquerors, and never relax - mistakes and failures are better than a boring and dull life. Aries' impatience is often a nuisance, and their desire for leadership can lead to self-destruction. But Aries know how to analyze - they correct mistakes and quickly move on. Wards of Mars get along well with metal and fire, but Aries are unlikely to choose the profession of a metallurgist or welder - they will happily sit in the director’s chair and steer the process, commanding their subordinates. Aries are friends with money, but they do not need money for comfort or entertainment - power is what attracts fiery guys in the first place.

If Aries falls in love, then there is no doubt that they will charm the chosen one in a short time, but here’s the problem: Aries are unlikely to be able to reach the altar, because frivolous fire signs will cool down in a couple of days. Aries, despite their victories, are naive and gullible. True, no one even thinks of deceiving Aries - the wards of Mars are so open and sincere that they are often compared to capricious children. Breaking off relations with Aries is dangerous - rejected fiery creatures can be unusually inventive (revenge will be beautiful and terrible). It’s better to wait until Aries gets tired of the toy and starts a new romance. Rarely does anyone decide to part with Aries of their own free will, because they are the sweetest signs of the zodiac.

Aries man

The Aries man has incredible magnetism. He is strong and decisive - if the guy of fire has something in mind, there is no doubt that he will achieve his goal. An Aries man can become a good family man - he knows how to earn money, gets along with children, and maintains relationships with all relatives. But the pet of Mars is not so ideal - he is amorous and addicted, and the wife will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain the relationship. Aries will never break - despite his frivolity, the fire man is responsible, and moreover, he has a developed sense of duty.

The Aries guy is a fighter, but he doesn’t rush around with a sword - the fire man knows how to convince with words. It’s easier for people to agree with Aries, because arguing with a fiery guy is completely useless. Aries make excellent bosses - the imperious and impetuous wards of Mars are capable of achieving success in the most disastrous enterprise, by the way, this is exactly what Aries do all their lives. They find a bad business, achieve success, and immediately switch to another bankrupt factory or bankrupt company. Aries does not know how to lie, and he does not need to - assertiveness, intelligence and perseverance help to get out of the most hopeless situation.

Aries man by year of birth

  • Aries-Rat. Swift and aggressive, bold and active. Aries-Rat is able to achieve any goal without making much effort, because his intuition is literally off the charts. This man is smart and cunning, and always knows what he wants. The Rat will not have his head in the clouds and dream of something unrealistic. He will walk over the heads of his competitors, and will not even notice how many offended rivals remain behind him. Women love this guy - he breaks hearts and flirts and moves on. Natural curiosity pushes Aries to rash actions, but he will never regret mistakes or blunders.
  • Aries-Ox. Ambitious and ambitious, vain and stubborn. Aries-Ox will never admit that he is wrong, because he is proud and independent. This man thinks through every detail of his plan, and rarely makes mistakes. Aries-Ox easily gets along with people, but with the same ease he breaks up with them. The stars do not recommend fooling the Ox - the guy can smell a lie a mile away, and it will not go well for the deceivers. When communicating with women, the pet of Mars can be naive - Aries is ready to rush to the registry office on the day they meet. The Ox is not embarrassed by frequent disappointments - he is sure that after a dozen unhappy marriages, he will certainly be lucky.
  • Aries-Tiger. An explosive mixture - Aries-Tiger is quick-tempered, tireless and impetuous. This man knows no refusals, and any obstacle adds strength to him. Aries is unusually brave, and the thirst for competition is in his blood. The tiger is a favorite of women, and he has a thousand broken hearts in his collection. Aries-Tiger is not averse to standing on a pedestal, and without praise he becomes depressed. This man is prone to exaggeration, he is suspicious and touchy. These qualities do not interfere with Aries, because the Tiger is a winner in life. The fire element gives the Tiger self-confidence - if he is wrong a thousand times, those around him will still follow his lead.
  • Aries-Cat (Rabbit). Sociable and cheerful, quick-witted and enterprising. Aries Rabbit can be a wonderful friend and reliable partner. But the relationship will end if the guy realizes that they are trying to manipulate him. With women, Aries behaves like a notorious ladies' man, but not a single abandoned lady feels abandoned - the Rabbit will take care of his friend, because he is unusually responsible. Aries-Cat hates changing his usual way of life, but this does not stop him from looking for new adventures - even in a hotel room the guy will make a cozy nest and feel at home.
  • Aries-Dragon. Self-confident and resourceful, temperamental and passionate. The Dragon is perhaps the most attractive man among the rest of Aries. He is not arrogant - why brag if everyone is already in love and enchanted?! The dragon may seem independent, but under the mask of composure hides a gentle lover - it is not surprising that women are ready to do anything for the sake of his smile. Aries loves a comfortable life, and always looks like he was invited to a photo shoot. Few people know that the Dragon can save on food just to buy a suit or tie - this guy is a role model for those around him.
  • Aries-Snake. Wise and naive, prudent, but a little absent-minded. Aries may seem inactive, but in reality he is collecting information and preparing for the decisive throw. Transformations are the element of Aries-Snake. He always reaches out for something new and constantly invents something. Aries loves to organize love revolutions - women do not like this, but the weaker sex tolerates a man and forgives him all his sins. The Snake is a born organizer - any crowd will follow Aries and follow all instructions. But Aries often forgets about his followers and switches to a more interesting activity.
  • Aries-Horse. Athletic and hardworking, sociable and positive. The horse differs from other Aries in its endurance, because while they are looking for activities they like, this horse persistently achieves goals. Aries can be selfish and intolerant, but if he has to choose between his own well-being and the comfort of his loved ones, he will do everything to make his relatives happy, and only then take care of himself. The fiery stallion rarely changes partners, and women can count on Aries in the most difficult situations. Aries-Horse has a small weakness - he is a gambler, and is ready to lose his fortune in one evening.
  • Aries-Goat (Sheep). Accurate and pedantic, conservative and persistent. This man has two rams united in him, and he will never leave his chosen path, and will stubbornly bang his head against a wall (even a concrete one). But Aries-Baran knows how to wait, and is always able to guess the right moment - a stubborn guy can achieve good results in political and creative activities. He has no luck with women, but Aries’s life credo: only those who walk can master the road. After several disappointments, the persistent ward of Mars finds his chosen one - and if Aries has caught something, then he will not miss his.
  • Aries-Monkey. Cunning and resourceful, brave and calculating. The monkey is always on the move, he constantly finds himself in incredible situations. From the outside it may seem that the guy is looking for adventure and cannot live without adventures. In fact, everything works out by itself - his character pushes him to rash actions. Aries-Monkey is an excellent manipulator; he will make an excellent boss, and his subordinates will not even understand that they are being deceived and led by the nose. This trick doesn’t work with women, and Aries doesn’t need to be cunning - he has a lot of fans, and if it doesn’t work out with one, it will certainly work out with another.
  • Aries-Rooster. Cocky but naive, self-confident but meek. In a nutshell, Aries-Rooster is a walking contradiction. This guy can hatch an idea for months and then give up because of a small setback. Fate is favorable to the Rooster, and many of his plans come true without effort. Aries easily flits through life, and this attracts representatives of the opposite sex to him - women go crazy about the Rooster, and try in every possible way to win his favor. But the Rooster does not need a serious relationship - first flirting, romance, and only then family and everyday life (if you're lucky, you can get by with a civil marriage).
  • Aries-Dog. Loyal and reliable, honest and responsible - these qualities characterize the Aries-Dog best. But the influence of the fire element makes itself felt - frivolity comes first, and the Dog often commits rash acts. This guy doesn’t have time to analyze his own mistakes, because there are so many temptations around. The most tempting topic for the Dog is women. If it were not for his favorite job, Aries would disappear at parties and get-togethers, where there are many beautiful and free ladies. But Aries is not averse to saying goodbye to his bachelor life - he dreams of heirs and a close-knit family.
  • Aries-Pig (Boar). Reckless and cheerful, simple-minded and friendly. The wind is blowing through Pig's head, but his heart is golden. Aries is ready to rush to the rescue at any moment, and it doesn’t matter who approached him - an unfamiliar neighbor or a classmate. The Pig does not like to discuss for a long time; he is a man of action. Aries endlessly has fantastic ideas, but he will not have his head in the clouds, but will immediately begin to implement his plans. This attracts women, and everyone dreams of becoming a muse for Pig. But Aries is extremely picky - the lady of his heart must have a set of qualities (the guy always has a list with him).

Aries Woman

Fire ladies are sociable and attractive, but they are not trying to impress (they are just confident in their irresistibility). Fire ladies are amorous, but they have many admirers, and the wards of Mars flutter from suitor to suitor, looking closely and choosing. Aries girls are never left alone; there are always men around them who are ready for a serious relationship. Women of this sign can be good housewives, but they would never trade their career for the joys of the kitchen. However, if an Aries woman gets a husband who puts her on a pedestal, then the fiery lady will probably agree to occasionally spoil her household with pies.

There is no word Failure in the vocabulary of Aries women, and they never back down from obstacles. Fire ladies also have their drawbacks - Aries are impatient and frivolous, so they often commit rash acts. But while other zodiac signs regret the past, Aries are rapidly moving forward and conquering more and more heights. Aries women cannot stand monotonous work, and are constantly looking for use for their talents. Wards of Mars are born entrepreneurs, and are able to make money literally out of thin air.

Aries woman by year of birth

  • Aries-Rat. Gentle but demanding, affectionate but unyielding. Everything difficult must be done immediately - with this motto, Aries-Rats go through life and always achieve success. The main features of fiery beauties are punctuality and the ability to make lightning-fast decisions. Aries rarely obey, and this causes them a lot of problems, especially in their personal lives. But Rats are not upset, because there will be enough suitors for their lifetime, there is no doubt about it. Almost all Aries are cunning and inventive, but it is impossible to be angry with these lovely ladies - men are ready to endure the whims of Rats and fulfill any desires.
  • Aries-Ox. Self-sufficient and independent, patient and balanced. Firebugs make excellent bosses; they are able to establish relationships with both partners and competitors. Although, there is no need to talk about competition - the business acumen of these business women is legendary. Lady Ox can be sentimental, especially when it comes to romantic relationships - just one flower can make Aries cry, and after watching a melodrama together, she will agree to visit the registry office. Arguing with the Bulls is useless and dangerous - Aries will still insist on their own, but the relationship will be hopelessly damaged.
  • Aries-Tiger. Revolutionaries, activists, and simply beauties. Aries-Tigers know no obstacles, and go straight to the goal. They do not notice either offended competitors or envious colleagues. The life credo of Tigresses is that the weak must yield. With this motto, Aries achieve excellent results, but these women also have shortcomings. Tigers are susceptible to flattery, and often mistake people, mistaking hypocrites for friends. Such mistakes do not happen to fans - in romantic affairs, Aries-Tigers are always winners, and the prize is certainly a prince, or at worst, an oligarch in love.
  • Aries-Cat (Rabbit). Moderately ambitious, modest and sophisticated. Cats love to attend social events and are welcome to see them at any fashionable party. Rabbits love to gossip, sometimes they weave intrigues, but they do it so carefully and tactfully that others will never suspect Aries of deception. Cats rarely lose their balance; they choose their friends and partners themselves. It’s more difficult in the love sphere - amorous Aries are capable of losing their heads from innocent flirting, and are ready to destroy strong relationships for the sake of a dubious romance. But Aries will not worry and cry - they know how to land on their paws.
  • Aries-Dragon. Warriors, Amazons and adventurers. If the Dragon does not spew out flames and does not flap its beautiful wings, this does not mean that she has given up - Aries is simply biding her time, and is about to begin to implement Napoleonic plans. Aries-Dragon cannot be subdued, and this applies to all areas of life. Dragons will succeed in any profession, and in romantic and love affairs they have no equal. Aries will conquer any man, and if someone tries to resist, he will immediately be taken into account. But the guys don’t even think about downloading their license - every man dreams of being captives of Aries-Dragons.
  • Aries-Snake. Luxurious, beautiful and forever young. Snakes take care of their appearance and look like magazine divas at any age. Aries' sixth sense is legendary, because they are wise and incredibly insightful. In terms of money, Aries-Snakes are lucky, and the ladies do not make any special efforts. Snakes have a little weakness - they love to dress up and shine at balls and social events. You won’t find snakes in a bakery, they won’t work as cleaners or secretaries - and why bother if they are destined to be princesses and queens (and princes and kings are already lined up).
  • Aries-Horse. Cheerful, cheerful and good-natured. Horses easily gallop through life without thinking about tomorrow. Aries often lack patience, and they can switch from what they love to do to some nonsense. Among the Horses you won’t find sad losers or old maids with low self-esteem. Horses' manes are always combed, and fashionable sandals adorn their hooves. If Aries goes bankrupt, no one will know about it - they will exchange oats for a dress and run to the next social party. And there are plenty of millionaires in love, at least the Horses have no shortage of admirers.
  • Aries-Goat (Sheep). Artistic and attractive, smart and resourceful. Goats are the most optimistic girls among the other Aries ladies. Sometimes Goats begin to complain about fate, but you shouldn’t believe them - they play another role. Aries do not like to command, but they are endlessly promoted to leadership positions. Despite their irresponsibility and frivolity, Aries Sheep keep everything under control and rarely make mistakes. Aries are lucky in love, and Goats make wonderful wives and excellent mothers. But these ladies should listen less often to the advice of envious girlfriends and trust their spouse more.
  • Aries-Monkey. Eccentric and crafty, cunning and sociable. Aries-Monkeys are intellectuals, they have good manners, and they can shine in any society. The ladies have a lot of friends, but they also have plenty of ill-wishers - Aries are sharp-tongued, and the jokes of the Monkeys are often offensive. Monkeys easily achieve success in politics - thanks to connections with influential people, Aries climb the career ladder, and do not even notice their confused competitors. Monkeys are indiscriminate, but they have an unusually developed sixth sense - it is intuition that keeps Aries from dubious and dangerous acquaintances.
  • Aries-Rooster. Not a single step back, and not a single minute in place - with this phrase, the Cockerels flutter through life, and do not pay attention to the troubles. Competitors bypass Aries - Rooster ladies are fighters from birth, and it is more expensive for you to get involved with them. But fiery ladies do not like to quarrel - they are geniuses of compromise, and are ready to sacrifice their wings so as not to disturb the fragile peace. Fortune loves Aries, and often throws surprises at Cockerels - the wards of Mars could call themselves lucky, if not for one moment. They just can’t find a worthy chosen one - it’s not so easy to please Aries-Roosters.
  • Aries-Dog. Responsible, but forgetful, kind, but a little cynical. Dogs stand firmly on their feet and always know what they need to be happy. And to be happy, fire ladies need a lot - a good job, a strong family, and calm neighbors. If Aries decide on the type of activity in their youth and quickly move up the career ladder, then choosing a chosen one is more difficult. Dogs are too demanding and will not marry the first prince they meet. The wards of Mars are always lucky with their neighbors - no one argues with the charming Dogs, and this is of no use, because Aries are fluent in the gift of persuasion.
  • Aries-Pig. Cute, good-natured and funny. No one has seen pigs sad or thoughtful, but this does not mean that fire ladies do not know how to suffer and empathize. Aries carefully hide their feelings and emotions, because Pigs, despite their cheerfulness, are unusually vulnerable and gentle creatures. Aries Pigs are magnanimous and generous - they are ready to give up all their savings just to help a shelter or help out a bankrupt friend. These women have many suitors, but Aries are picky in choosing a partner - the kindest, most beautiful, and, of course, the smartest suitor will become the Pig’s husband.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. His symbol is a ram's head. This sign represents a meek lamb that was sacrificed for the greater good. At the same time, it symbolizes a powerful driving force, initiative and desire for life.

Element: fire

Planet: Mars

Stone: heliotrope, amethyst

Mascot: golden fleece, hammer

Color: crimson, purple and crimson

Characteristics of the sign

Aries is a fire person. He is constantly in action and strives for his goals with enviable tenacity and enthusiasm. At the same time, he tends not to notice the desires and opinions of others, acting only in his own interests. He “goes ahead”, so he often acts tactlessly and too straightforwardly. But such behavior is forgiven due to his dedication and extraordinary charge of energy.

Aries is characterized by such positive qualities as determination, a heightened sense of justice, optimism, and passion. Its main disadvantages include irritability and lack of restraint. He is ready to flare up for any reason, believing that the truth is on his side. At the same time, he quickly cools down and is ready to be the first to make peace.

Aries Woman

The Aries woman is self-confident, independent, energetic and purposeful. Always strives to look perfect. She is an amorous person. Knows how to impress a man. He plays the role of leader in the family. Should be next to her strong man. She values ​​her family. In bed she is passionate and sensual, often dominates her partner.

Aries Man

The Aries man is active and purposeful. Failures do not frighten him. He persistently moves forward to achieve what he wants. Does not tolerate power over himself. His characteristic weaknesses are excessive self-confidence and selfishness. In relationships, he is sincere and faithful to his other half. At the same time, his woman should always look well-groomed. He is passionate in sex and loves to dominate.

Love and family

Aries is an amorous sign. He is capable of strong and passionate feelings. The object of his love should not only be interesting to him, but also inaccessible. It is important for him to overcome obstacles - this makes the “prize” more valuable. A representative of this sign tends to idealize his partner. Therefore, the revealed shortcomings of the second half quickly cool his love fervor.

In sex, Aries is an experimenter; conservatism is boring for him. He prefers sexual experiments and unexpected places for intimacy. Passionate and tireless in bed.

His family life becomes happy if there is a partner nearby, with whom there is never a dull moment. Aries needs to be constantly inspired and surprised. Then he will adore his soulmate and literally carry him in his arms.


Ideal partners for Aries are Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius. Low compatibility with Virgo and Capricorn.

Career and profession

Aries is a born leader. He becomes an excellent leader or director. If he is captivated by an idea, he will do everything to implement it and inspire his subordinates to work. At the same time, his enthusiasm quickly cools down. Therefore, it is important that he loves his job and is genuinely interested in current projects.

Aries-subordinate “burns” in the workplace and tries to be the first in everything. He believes that he performs his duties better than others, and therefore does not accept criticism and leadership “from above.”

Because of his straightforwardness, it is not advisable for a representative of this zodiac sign to make a career in areas that require cunning and diplomacy - international relations, jurisprudence. A good idea is to open his own business, where he will be his own boss.


Aries is not inclined to take care of his health. Due to the crazy pace of life, he sleeps little, eats poorly and experiences a lot of stress. Therefore, the nervous and immune systems are “under attack.” He needs to take a break from everything sometimes.

Aries is committed to tasty but unhealthy food. Therefore, he often suffers from gastrointestinal diseases and skin rashes. To replenish irrepressible energy and good brain function, he requires animal products, nuts and red fish.

Aries often puts off going to the doctor “until later.” This results in serious health problems. It is important for him to understand that it is more convenient to deal with the ailment that appears immediately, and not lead to complications.

Element of Aries

The element of the zodiac sign Aries is Fire. Fire gives Aries a number of distinctive properties such as activity, energy, determination, flexibility, independence, impatience, and inability to multitask.

Planet of Aries

The patron planet of the zodiac sign Aries is Mars. Mars influences the fate of Aries and endows him with a number of strengths and weaknesses such as enterprise, cheerfulness, courage, risk-taking, ambition, determination, energy, determination, uncompromisingness, infantilism, capriciousness, stubbornness, impatience, arrogance, jealousy, envy, vindictiveness, the ability to manipulate people.

Celebrities born under the sign of Aries

Adolf Hitler, Alexander Tsekalo, Alla Pugacheva, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Basta, Valentina Matvienko, Victoria Beckham, Vincent Van Gogh, Vladimir Klitschko, Gary Oldman, Harry Houdini, James Franco, Jackie Chan, Jeremy Clarkson, Dmitry Nagiyev, Elena Temnikova, Ivan Urgant , Igor Akinfeev, Irina Khakamada, Quentin Tarantino, Keira Knightley, Lavrentiy Beria, Laima Vaikule, Lady Gaga, Leonardo da Vinci, Maxim Gorky, Maria Sharapova, Marlon Brando, Nikita Khrushchev, Nikolai Gogol, Otto von Bismarck, Reese Witherspoon, Robert Daini Jr., Sarah Jessica Parker, Celine Dion, Sergei Lazarev, Sergei Rachmaninov, Sergei Rachmaninov, Sergei Shnurov, Steven Seagal, Heath Ledger, Charlie Chaplin, Elton John, Ewan McGregor.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries by animal year


People born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Rat are distinguished by their visual attractiveness and extraordinary intelligence. Combining openness, honesty and cunning, they easily find contact with others. In order to implement their plans, they can go over their heads. They have a craving for everything new and often say what they think.


Aries born in the year of the Ox have a strong character. Given their temperament, they skillfully control emotions and do not allow spontaneity in decisions and actions. Thanks to independence, responsibility and perseverance, these people always finish what they start. Leadership inclinations make them advisors and mentors to many people.


A person born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Tiger looks at the world around him with optimism. Loves to be the center of attention and meet new people. This active and energetic person is drawn to everything new and often sets himself extremely difficult tasks. They know how to earn money and do not spare it for their family and friends.


Aries, who were born in the year of the Rabbit, have a calm character. They are endowed with an excellent sense of taste and erudition, which allows them to achieve success in any field of knowledge. Despite their isolation and modesty, they often find themselves at the center of high-profile scandals. These people value family values ​​and willingly help someone who is in trouble.


People who were born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon are strong personalities. Thanks to their determination and energy, they persistently strive for success, which inspires those around them to be active. Good organizational skills and freedom-loving disposition often lead them to leadership positions.


Nature endowed people who were born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Snake with good appearance, a sense of style and intelligence. They easily coexist between a skeptical pragmatist and a dreamy idealist, which makes them the soul of any company. These people highly value comfort, for the sake of which they are able to sacrifice any money.


Those born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Horse have a cheerful disposition. They rarely sit idle and do not tolerate boredom and monotony. A source of vivid emotions and fresh impressions is found in extreme entertainment. These men and women love to challenge difficulties and try their luck. People are reluctant to get married for fear of losing their freedom.


Aries, who were born in the year of the Sheep, are characterized by unpredictability. They rarely stick to a plan and always find something to surprise the world with. These people do not know how to hide emotions, lie and obey the will of others. In order to protect their interests, they are capable of manipulating people. Thanks to their ability to present themselves in society, they never stop receiving admirers.


Aries, who were born in the year of the Monkey, radiate energy and optimism. These are scholars, fighters for justice, innovators whose ideas are ahead of their time. They cannot imagine themselves without society, which gives them the strength to move forward. Thanks to the ability to avoid conflicts, a subtle sense of humor and extraordinary speaking abilities, they become the soul of any company.


Aries born in the year of the Rooster are endowed with charisma and charm. They love to bask in the glow of public recognition and live life to the fullest. When faced with difficulties, they rarely ask for help. When their interests are infringed, they become hot-tempered and uncompromising. True happiness is seen in serving the ideals of truth and goodness.


These people go through life with their heads held high. They are devoid of fears, prejudices and laziness, thanks to which their endeavors are doomed to success. In stressful situations they tend to go to extremes. Aries-Dogs react painfully to criticism and remember insults for a long time. They make good leaders who do not deprive their subordinates of the right to vote.


People born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Pig perceive the world through the prism of their emotions and inner feelings. By nature they have good health, inexhaustible energy potential and overt sexuality. They feel failures deeply, but do not allow themselves to become discouraged. They have many friends for whom they would give their last.