DIY children's photo frames from scrap materials. How to make your own photo frames. Simple frame decorated with cereals

DIY paper photo frame (using technological maps).
Master class with step-by-step photos

Natalya Viktorovna Suslova, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 8 years old, primary school teachers, and parents.
Purpose: gift, work for an exhibition, interior decoration.
Target: making crafts.
introduce the production of basic elements using modular origami, quilling and paper-plastic techniques using technological cards;
develop practical skills in working with paper;
consolidate skills in handling tools - scissors, paper:
develop artistic taste, creativity, fantasy, imagination;
develop fine motor skills of the hands, eye, spatial imagination;
to form a work culture: teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order;
cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of finishing things;
instill an interest in art, arts and crafts.

Dear colleagues, today I would like to present to you a master class on making a photo frame from paper with your own hands using techniques: modular origami, quilling, paper-plastic and using technological cards.

Materials: colored office paper, colored cardboard, quilling paper, stencil ruler, toothpicks, tweezers, PVA glue, Moment glue, scissors, ruler, figured hole punch.

Step-by-step description of the work:
1. Making the base of the photo frame. The basis of the photo frame are two circles of triangular modules. To make triangular modules, prepare blanks from colored A4 office paper - mark and cut the sheet into 16 equal parts (according to the drawing).

Fold each piece into a triangular module according to the technological map.

1. Fold the rectangle exactly horizontally.
2. Fold the rectangle vertically to determine the center line, unfold.
3. Fold the top edges towards the center line.
4. Turn over.
5. Fold the bottoms up according to the pattern.
6. Fold the corners according to the pattern.
7. Fold down the bottoms.
8. Fold the corners along the folds, fold the bottoms.
9. Bend the triangle vertically.
10. The triangular module is ready!

Make a sufficient number of triangular modules.

Fold, rounding, the modules, inserting into each other.

Assemble two circles of different sizes.

Place the smaller circle on the larger one and glue it with Moment glue.

Decorate the back wall with decorative cardboard. The photo frame is ready.

Reverse side of the photo frame.

2. Making daisies using quilling technique according to the technological map.

Let's start making chamomile from the middle.
1. Fold the paper in two layers horizontally by 1 cm and cut it off.
2. Cut the free edges into small noodles.
3. Using a toothpick, twist the roll with fringe, periodically fastening it with PVA glue for strength.
4. The center of the flower is ready!
Making chamomile petals.
5. Fold the paper in two layers horizontally by 3 cm (according to the size of the flower), cut it off.
6. Cut the free edges into noodles.
7-8. Screw the continuation of the flower onto the finished center with a tight roll, periodically fastening it with glue.
9. The roll is ready, glue the edge.
10-11. Place the roll vertically and fill it with PVA glue. Dry completely.
12. Bend the edges using scissors, twisting slightly. The daisies are ready!

3. Design of a photo frame.
Place the flowers on the base and glue them with Moment glue.

Cut out carved leaves from colored cardboard.

To add volume, fold the leaves according to the technological map.

1. Fold the sheet in the center.
2-4. Bend the workpiece like an accordion.
5. Open the sheet. Ready!

Give volume to all leaves.

Place the leaves on the base. Glue. (It is better to fasten all parts on the base with Moment glue)

Make small leaves using the quilling technique according to the technological map.

1. Using a toothpick, use ready-made strips of quilling paper to twist into a tight roll.
2. Tight roll ready.
3. Unroll the roll according to a special stencil to the desired size.
4. Glue the edge with glue.
5. Make free rolls.
6. Press the loose rolls on both sides to form a sheet shape ( roll Eye)
7. Make the required number of small leaves.
8. Glue them together into a large openwork sheet. Make several large openwork leaves of different shapes.

Place the openwork sheet on the base.

Using strips of quilling paper, use scissors and a toothpick to make different curly curls.

Place openwork leaves and curls on the base. Glue.

Add leaves. The photo frame is ready!

Complete the decor of the photo frame with a butterfly using the quilling technique (optional).

Let's make another small butterfly. To do this, use a figured hole punch to make 3 butterflies and glue them together only in the middle for volume.

Attach a small butterfly to a photo frame. Our gift is READY!

Let's look at the details of the photo frame.

We probably all have photos that we want to keep forever. It is for such photographs that you can make a beautiful photo frame with your own hands.

You can decorate your home with a frame made by yourself or simply give it to loved ones.

How to make a photo frame from cardboard

1. Cut a rectangle of any size from cardboard.

2. In the middle of the cut out rectangle, cut out another rectangle. Its size should be slightly smaller than the size of the photo.

3. Decorate the frame however you like.

You can use stickers and/or draw something.

You can also draw animals on colored paper, for example, then cut them out and glue them to the frame.

4. Prepare another sheet of paper and cut out a rectangle from it. Its size should be equal to the size of the frame.

5. Glue this rectangle to the back of the frame, leaving one side open so you can insert the photo through it.

6. All you have to do is insert a photo!

DIY photo frames. Frame from magazine pages.

This frame not only looks original, but you also won’t have to pay a penny for it, since its main element is the pages of a magazine, any kind that you can find at home.

You will need:


Old (unnecessary) magazines

Sewing thread

PVA glue


Stationery knife (or scalpel)



1. Prepare a sheet of thick paper or cardboard measuring approximately 20x25cm. Measure 5cm from the edges of the sheet and draw a “window” measuring 10x15cm in the middle.

2. Cut out the "window" using a utility knife.

3. Start rolling up the magazine pages as tightly as possible. To secure them and prevent them from unwinding, use glue.

4. Get some colored sewing thread ready and start winding it around the rolled up magazine pages. Continue until you have many similar blanks.

5. When the blanks are made, start bending them at an angle of 90 degrees in the right places and using glue to attach them to the cardboard frame.

6. Prepare a small piece of cardboard for the leg. Also cut out two cardboard strips and glue them to the back of the frame so you can insert a photo between them.

How to make a beautiful frame. Frame as a gift.

You will need:

Simple Inexpensive Wooden Frame

Piece of cloth

PVA glue


Glue brush


1. Prepare a piece of fabric on which to place the frame. Cut as much fabric as you need to cover the edge of the frame on the front and back.

2. Now you need to cut out the excess fabric from the middle of the sheet.

3. Place your frame on a rectangular pattern and cut out squares from the corners, thereby ensuring neat corners.

4. Carefully, using PVA glue, glue the fabric onto 4 sides of the frame, but just be careful not to wrinkle it. This must be done on both sides of the frame - front and back.

5. Now make diagonals in the corners of the frame. To do this, cut each corner inside your photo frame. Next you need to fold the fabric and glue it to the inside.

* There is an option to cover the back of the frame with fabric.

When the frame is dry, you can decorate it with ribbon.

How to beautifully make a spring-themed frame

This frame has a spring theme. She looks gentle and romantic.

You will need:

Simple frame

Artificial flowers

Glue gun (can be replaced with PVA glue).

1. Divide the flowers into inflorescences.

*If you wish, you can make your own flowers. To find out how, take one of our master classes:

2. This example uses small petals that were cut out of colored paper. These petals need to be glued to the frame using a glue gun or PVA glue.

* To make it more convenient, try starting to glue the petals from the corner of the frame. Next, gradually fill the frame with petals.

* It is worth noting that the petals need to be glued tightly to each other, so your flower bouquet on the frame will seem more magnificent.

3. Use ribbon, lace, or pretty paper to cover the edge of the frame.

How to make photo frames. Picture from photographs.

If you have a lot of favorite photos, but you just don't want to buy a separate photo frame for each, then you will like this project.

Just one large photo frame that can fit several photos at once (the size of the frame depends on the number and size of photos)

You will need:

Large picture frame (wooden or plastic; choose the size yourself)

* In this example, the frame size is 40x50cm.

Small nails (can be replaced with push pins)

* You can choose a set of multi-colored push pins.


Jute (or any rope to which you will attach photos)

Measuring tape


* You can look for sets of small multi-colored decorative clothespins, or use regular ones, as in this master class.

1. In this example, space was measured out for 5 rows of small photos, similar to those taken using Instagram. You measure the distance you need between the photos, both vertical and horizontal.

2. After you have measured everything, nail the nails in the right places of the frame on the right and left (or insert push pins) and pull the rope.

3. Collect your favorite photos and attach them to a string with clothespins.

Photo frame is ready!

DIY frames. Flower photo frame.

You are free to choose the color and shape of the flowers, just use your imagination.

You will need:

Simple photo frame

Acrylic paint


Thick material (fabric) from which you will cut flowers

Multi-colored buttons, thread, needle



Super glue

1. Prepare the frame and paint it with two layers of acrylic paint. Choose the color yourself.

2. Using a pen or pencil, draw flower shapes on thick fabric and cut them out. You can decorate them with colored thread and sew a button on top.

3. Now all that remains is to glue all your blanks to the frame using superglue.

4. Add a photo!

DIY photo frames. Frame wrapped in thread.

Another option for a beautiful and inexpensive photo frame.

You will need:

Simple photo frame with straight sides

PVA glue

Several threads of different yarn colors


1. Prepare the frame and apply some glue to it. This needs to be done in parts, i.e. Apply a little glue to a small part of the frame and then wrap this part with thread.

2. Start gradually wrapping the frame with multi-colored threads.

3. Add a photo!

Children's photo frame. Carousel.

You will need:

5 disc cases

10 photos measuring approximately 12x17cm

10 unnecessary disks

PVA glue




Scotch tape (preferably duct tape)

CD stand

Decorating tools (stickers, colored paper, glitter, etc.)

1. Remove the disc from the case.

2. Insert 2 photos into the case on the left and right. If necessary, trim the photos so that they fit and look good in the disc case.

3. Using electrical tape or tape, connect several cases as shown in the picture.

4. Prepare your scrap discs and place them on the stand (or rather on its stem), shiny side up, to create a slippery surface for your photo cases.

5. All that remains is to put a “flower” from cases with photographs on the rod of the disc stand.

DIY photo frames. Ideas.

How to make a photo frame with your own hands (video)

How to make a frame with your own hands

How to make a frame out of paper

DIY paper frame

DIY children's photo frame

It's hard to find a home or office that doesn't have space for paintings and photographs. But simply attaching a photograph or a masterpiece of art to the wall will be ugly and absurd. It is precisely in order to frame photographs and paintings that frames were invented. With their help, you can refine the interior and add comfort to the premises. Nowadays there are millions of frame options in stores, but it is not always possible to find what suits your home. That is why we will tell you how to make a frame with your own hands, while spending a minimum of money and effort. You need to start by choosing a design for your future craft.

Deciding on the design choice

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a design for a frame:

  • will it fit into the overall interior of the room;
  • the frame should be in the same color scheme as the image, and not with the walls;
  • the frame should complement the image.

To achieve the desired result, you need to carefully consider the material from which the frame will be made.

Material selection

There are no special restrictions on the material. The only thing that remains unchanged is the base on which the decorations will be glued. It should be dense, strong and not get wet from glue. Thick cardboard and, of course, wood work well for the frame. Moreover, the wooden frame itself is already a completed craft. It can be varnished and will be appropriate for any interior.You can decorate the product with any available means. This could be pasta, pebbles, clothespins, buttons, beads. But do not forget that the chosen material should complement the picture. So, for example, shells will go well with a seascape, and a frame of pasta with the addition of cereals will be perfect for the kitchen.

Let's look at the two main materials from which frames are most often made - wood and polyurethane foam.

Wooden frame

Wood is a classic material used to make picture frames. Such designs are durable and fit almost any picture and room design.

To make a wooden frame, you don’t have to go to the forest to get wood, then process it and cut out the planks. You can go to a hardware store and purchase wooden skirting boards there. They are perfect for a product like this.

What you need:

  1. Wooden plinth. Its length and width should correspond to the size of the picture. Therefore, be sure to measure the picture before buying a plinth and do not forget that the frame will be longer than the canvas.
  2. Well sharpened knife.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Furniture glue. PVA will do.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Small nails.
  8. Hammer.
  9. Ruler. It would be better if it was angular.
  10. Cardboard or plywood.

What to do:

For a richer look, you can use carved wooden baseboards. Their price corresponds to their appearance, so you will have to pay a decent amount for such material for the frame, but upon completion of the work it will be worth it.

Polyurethane foam frame

For women, “polyurethane foam” sounds threatening, but there is no need to be afraid, because it is ordinary polystyrene foam, only stronger. Ceiling plinths are made from it, which are now used to renovate apartments. Their price is low, but the variety of patterns is impressive. There is no difference in manufacturing with wooden baseboards. But don’t forget that this is not wood, so you should handle polyurethane foam more carefully. Any blow can lead to dents, or even break the entire structure.

What you need:

  1. Ceiling plinth.
  2. Hacksaw or sharp knife.
  3. Glue.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Plywood or cardboard (depending on the size and strength of the catrina).

In our ever-rushing digital age, sometimes you want to stop, sit down in your favorite chair and just relax. It is at such moments that many of us pick up the big one with photographs. When looking at a photograph, the thought suddenly arises that it would be nice to put it on a shelf or hang it on the wall. But due to the fact that there is no suitable frame, we again send the photo to lie between the pages of the album. Wait, don’t rush and hide the picture, you can create a frame from scrap material. What and how to make a frame from? From cardboard. Yes, yes, ordinary cardboard, which is found in every home.

Cardboard frame - a new activity

So, one cozy evening, flipping through the pages of the album, laughingly telling your child about how once upon a time you were also a baby, you suddenly wanted to leave a couple of pictures in sight, enclosing them in an original frame. Creating a frame out of paper and cardboard will help you pass the evening, and this is another great way to teach your child something new and interesting. Feel free to get down to business! Its production will not require large time and financial costs.

Cardboard frame: necessary materials

A simple do-it-yourself cardboard frame is made using the most common materials, such as cardboard, ribbons, fabric, leftover wallpaper, beads, shells brought from a summer vacation, and other items suitable for decoration. You will also need scissors, a ruler, a pencil. Raw cereals can be an interesting design solution - it can be peas, buckwheat, semolina or any other. How to make a frame from cardboard using cereal will be discussed below; undoubtedly, many will like this decoration option.

Simple frame

To make the simplest frame you will need:

White cardboard;

Decoration items (in this case, beads were used);


Two rectangular blanks are cut out of cardboard. For 10x15 they should be 13.5x18.5 cm. Now in one of them you need to cut a window, which should be slightly smaller than the photo itself. If desired, you can attach a film to this window on the back side, for example, a piece from a transparent file, to protect the photo from dust. The photograph must be secured at the corners using thin strips of paper between the blanks, with the image in the window. Now you can cover the blanks with fabric and decorate them with beads. Don't forget to attach a stand to the back of the frame - a triangle cut out of cardboard or a loop to hang it on the wall. This is how a simple frame is made quickly and easily. Agree, even a child can handle this.

Simple frame decorated with cereals

Creating such a frame is not at all difficult. The principle of its manufacture is the same as in the previous description. Only the decoration method changes. The cereal is glued onto the front blank using PVA. If it is peas, then each pea is glued separately. You can even use semolina, millet, buckwheat. After the glue has dried well, the cereal must be varnished, allowed to dry, painted in any suitable color and covered again with a layer of varnish. The result is a very unusual cardboard frame made using the “cereal” technique. Made with your own hands, it will delight your eyes for a long time.

Scrapbooking frame

This option is somewhat more difficult to implement than the previous ones and will require a little more time and effort. A photo frame made of cardboard, decorated with fabric, looks stylish and quite unusual. To make such a thing you will need:

Sheet of scrap paper 30x30 cm;

A piece of scrap paper 10.5x15.5 cm;

Brads (nails or buttons with a decorative head);

A small piece of padding polyester;

- "Moment Crystal".

To make such a frame from cardboard, you need to cut out several parts: the front and back sides (size 24x18.7 and 18.5x13.5 cm), the leg (16 cm). The window in the frame is cut out based on the size of the photo. The cover of the frame is cut out of fabric. When cutting, do not forget to make a small (approx. 1.5 cm) indentation from the edge for bends. The front part is cut out of padding polyester, the one with the window. You can begin to form the frame itself. To do this, the front side needs to be smeared with a thin layer of glue and the synthetic padding is secured; prepared fabric is placed on top of it, which needs to be glued, bending the material to the back side, starting from the corners. It should look like a pillow. Now you need to make the middle of the frame, that is, that same window. Carefully, not forgetting about small indents, a rectangle of the required size is cut out, the fabric is folded and glued. To make the frame even more attractive, you can stitch its edges using a sewing machine. To decorate a scrap frame, you can use ribbon bows, brads, beads and other small decoration items. The back side is covered with scrap paper, and a leg is attached to it for stability.

Cardboard photo frames made using the scrapbooking technique differ from all others in their delicate, extremely attractive design and can serve as an excellent gift.

Coffee frame made of cardboard, master class

Necessary materials:

Thick cardboard;

Coffee beans;

Acrylic lacquer;


1. Prepare the base for the frame. To do this, rectangles are cut out of cardboard, front and back sides. In the front part, depending on the size of the image, a window is made.

2. The front side is covered with a material of a suitable color.

3. A window for the photo is carefully formed.

5. Coffee beans are glued to the fabric. For this purpose, it is better to use “Moment Crystal” or liquid nails.

6. After all the grains are glued, you can cover them with two or three layers of varnish with intermediate drying of each layer.

7. The frame can be decorated with a variety of little things - such as satin ribbons tied in beautiful bows, figurines of coffee cups and spoons.

8. The desired photo is fixed in the window.

9. The front and back parts are glued together.

10. The stand for the frame will be a rectangle cut out of cardboard, which is attached to the back of the product.

Frame with eggshells

You can also decorate the cut out base for a photo frame with eggshells.
The result is a certain effect of aging with cracks, or a mosaic. Before gluing the shell onto the cardboard, it must be properly prepared. First, rinse thoroughly. Secondly, remove all internal films. Thirdly, dry it well. Only after such preparation can the shells be painted with acrylic paints in any colors, let the paint dry and break the shells into small pieces.

The front side of the future frame must also be painted in a suitable color. It is not at all necessary to use paint of the same shade. For example, bright pink, bright blue, raspberry and white colors combine perfectly with each other. Playing on their contrast gives a stunningly beautiful result. Shell fragments are glued to the front side in random order, forming a kind of mosaic. In this simple way, using available materials, you can make a cardboard frame with your own hands.

Good luck with your ideas and success!

There can never be too many photographs of children. You always want to capture bright moments in the lives of children and keep vivid memories. We offer simple Master Class on production children's frame from scrap materials. You can cut and glue it together with your child. He will like this activity.

Material for work:

How to make a frame with your own hands

The size of the cardboard and fabric we need will depend on the size of the photo for which the photo frame is being made. We attach the photo to thick cardboard so that there is 2-3 cm left from the outline of the photo to the edges of the cardboard. We make marks at the vertices of the photo to make it easier to trace the outline of the photo.

Use a ruler to connect the marked vertices. To prevent the photo from falling out of the frame, you need to make an internal outline. To do this, step back 5–7 mm inward and draw an internal contour.

Using a knife, cut out a window along the inner contour. It is very convenient to cut thick cardboard with a regular knife or one designed for cutting paper. It will not be easy to cut out such a window with scissors. This is what should happen.

From thin cardboard we cut out a part with a size equal to the outer contour of the frame. We will need this part to make the back pocket in which the photograph will be placed.

We apply the cardboard blank for the photo frame to the wrong side of the fabric. The fabric must first be ironed well. Using a pen, trace the inner and outer contours of the workpiece along the fabric.

We retreat 2 cm from the outer contour along the entire perimeter and draw another contour. Cut it out. From the inner contour we retreat diagonally 1.5 cm from each vertex and draw another contour inside.

Cut to the smallest internal diameter. We make cuts along the diagonals. Apply heated glue to the cardboard blank.

We attach the part to the fabric. We begin to wrap the fabric and glue it to the cardboard. We glue the fabric along the entire perimeter of the smallest contour.

We also do the same with the fabric along the outer contour. We attach it to a cardboard blank. We turn the cardboard part with the front side facing us and get the finished base of the photo frame.

From the remaining colored paper we cut strips 1.5–2 cm thick and 15–20 cm long, depending on the number of petals you need. We fold each paper strip several times and draw the outline of the petal. Carefully cut out colorful leaves.

We decorate the frame with flowers in the upper corner and in the lower part. Using hot glue, attach the red petals first. We attach pink leaves to them.

We place green leaves under the flower petals. We form all three flowers as a decoration for the frame.

Place a large bead in the center of each multi-colored flower. We glue strips of self-adhesive glitter along the inner contour.

Let's return to the thin cardboard part. To easily and quickly insert or change photos in the frame, we will make a semicircular cutout.

Apply hot glue along the edge of the outer contour on the wrong side of the frame and attach a piece of thin cardboard. Remember that you only need to glue the cardboard on three sides.

You can also make a holder to place the frame on a table or cabinet. For the holder, cut out a rectangular piece from thick cardboard. The red line shows where the cardboard part is folded. We attach one edge of the cardboard piece with glue to the back of the photo frame.

All that remains is to place the photo in the finished photo frame.

Photo frame made of cardboard ready!

Beautiful photo frame made of cardboard.

The best design for children's photographs are those taken DIY photo frames with the participation of the child himself.

Original children's photo frame.

Cardboard is the most common material for crafts. A beautiful idea, careful implementation, and you will get an original thing.
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