Horoscope for January for Libra girl. Women – Libra

For Libra women in January 2018, the stars promise a good life. Minor troubles will happen, but you shouldn’t dwell on them. The philosophical attitude to life that the representatives of this sign will show will allow them to survive this period quite safely.

Work and business sphere

During the first half of January 2018, the stars recommend Libra to have a good rest, gain strength, and even, perhaps, shirking some obligations. From the second half of the month you will no longer be able to be lazy. We'll have to set records and show miracles of productivity. January will be good for new beginnings. There is a high probability that the representatives of the sign will be given some new assignments or “rewarded” with additional assignments. You may have to sign some papers that will affect Libra’s future career.

In the first month, representatives of the sign need to lay a reliable foundation, which will help them come out unscathed already in February when faced with troubles and difficulties.

The financial sector will be stable in January. Minor troubles associated with petty thefts are possible. It is necessary to be vigilant during tourist and business trips; there is a high chance of running into pickpockets at bus and railway stations. Flight delays and lost luggage are also possible. But most likely, the situation will ultimately be resolved in favor of Libra.

Love and family

In the first month of 2018, Libra women will try on the image of an exemplary housewife. On New Year's holidays, representatives of this sign will have numerous relatives and friends at home. Libra will successfully be able to provide a warm welcome to all guests. True, the festive bustle and order will exhaust the representatives of the sign. Still, you will have to spend too much time standing at the stove and washing dishes. But in general, the holidays will be held in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere.

The stars claim that in January Libras need not be afraid for their relationships with their partners - husbands, fiancés. IN love relationships a complete idyll will come. You should be more wary of disputes and misunderstandings on the part of siblings. Conflicts with your closest friends are also likely. However, there is no need to worry about this. The stars recommend taking advantage of every such dispute and disagreement. It is worth thinking about your own behavior, analyzing your actions, and you may even have to compromise. In any case, by February, all omissions and troubles will go away, and peace and harmony will come in relationships with family and friends.

Health status

Libras should not abuse alcohol during holiday feasts. Unfortunately this may not in the best possible way affect the kidneys, which are the weak point of the representatives of this sign. To prevent inflammatory processes in this organ, you need to drink cranberry juice. It will also save you from colds.

According to the advice of the stars, it is worth detoxifying the body. The first thing you can do is visit baths and saunas - as you know, they are excellent at removing toxins. In addition, you need to pay special attention to nutrition. Salads with mayonnaise, pastries, cakes - it’s better to exclude all this from the menu immediately after seeing off the winter holidays. More water, vegetables rich in fiber and the detoxification process can be considered solved.

Now comes the time when fortune is favorable to those born under the auspices of the sign of Libra, and gives them a chance to start successfully New Year, laying a solid foundation for the rest of the year. A holiday weekend will help you avoid making mistakes at the beginning of the month when bad weather is raging in space. Astrological horoscope For all Libras without exception, as of January 2017, it is recommended not to sign important documents, not make fateful decisions and not enter into large-scale transactions until the end of the New Year holidays.

If one of Libra goes on a trip, then he should be very careful. At airports and train stations during this period, the number of delayed flights increases, and luggage is lost much more often. Therefore, treat everything that happens around you with extreme caution and attentiveness.

After January 15, 2017, the stars will increasingly contribute to the development of creative activity, and will also have an impact on the working atmosphere - business activity will increase noticeably. So, Libra, having fully rested with your family in the first decade of January, get to work with renewed vigor!

Favorable days for January 2017 for Libra: 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Libra

Family relationships will become your main priority until mid-January 2017. New Year's weekend promotes meetings with relatives and family feasts. Therefore, your main task is to create a cozy holiday atmosphere with your family and plunge into the world of New Year's magic.

Libra's relationships with his significant other and children will develop favorably, and the situation in the house will not be shaken by any serious quarrels. As for brothers and sisters, misunderstandings and squabbles may arise. Conflicts with friends are also possible. Taking into account astrological data, the horoscope for January 2017 for Libra advises: take this into account, consider the conflict as a potential for further development of relations or building them in a new direction.

Favorable days for love in January 2017 for Libra: 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29.

Libra financial horoscope for January 2017

During the first ten days of the month, you don’t even have to try to set any records in business and at work. But after mid-January 2017, take on matters of paramount importance. Try to do the most necessary things and solve the most important tasks at this time, since the next month promises instability in the business environment and all sorts of difficulties. And remember, whatever groundwork for work you can create at the beginning of the year, the work will continue.

Favorable days for money in January 2017 for the Libra sign: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29.

Health horoscope for the sign Libra January 2017

The main task for those born under the sign of Libra is to monitor the amount of alcohol consumed during the New Year holidays. If you drink in moderation, then your health will not let you down. Libra, do not forget that the kidneys are the most sensitive organ for representatives of your sign.

According to the horoscope for January 2017 for Libra, this period generally does not promise health problems. It is recommended for Libra to arrange for your body in the third ten days of the month fasting days, detoxify it. These days you need to drink clean water in large quantities; as for food, you can only eat fruits and dairy-free cereals. This way, you will be cleansed and immediately feel extraordinary lightness. At the same time, it will be useful to go to the bathhouse and take a good steam bath.

Stressful days for Libra in January 2017: 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27.

Words cannot express how many emotions Libra experienced last year. But now representatives of the sign are not afraid of any difficulties on the love front. At the beginning of 2019, Libra plans to finally find happiness. Some people dream of meeting their soulmate in January, others dream of improving their relationships, and still others dream of getting married and having a grand wedding. There will also be those among Libra who dream of a break with their partner and sweet freedom. Representatives of this zodiac sign quite rightly fear that the villainous fate will once again confuse their desires. To be prepared for anything, it is better to read love horoscope for Libra for January 2019.

Love horoscope for Libra for January 2019

At the beginning of January, Libra will have conflicting feelings towards their significant other. On the one hand, there will be no reason for quarrels, and on the other, in certain situations there will be no limit to irritation. In the middle of the month everything will change dramatically. Libra will begin to more soberly evaluate feelings and approach solving problems with a huge share of responsibility, so their relationships with their chosen ones will improve. At the end of January, people of this sign will be absolutely calm. Confident in their partner, Libra will be able to do other things that are far from love experiences.

The love horoscope predicts an amazing acquaintance for lonely Libra in January. Unfortunately, the romance will not begin as quickly as Venus’s wards would like. Throughout the year, Libra will have a reason to work on themselves so that their relationship with their new lover develops in the best possible way.

Great happiness awaits those Libra who decide to get married in January. If you still have any doubts about the marriage proposal, then feel free to cast them aside. The first month of the year is ideal for both engagement and the most awaited event - a wedding celebration.

Love horoscope for Libra women for January 2019

The astrological forecast for January for Libra girls contains incredibly beautiful predictions about love. The luckiest ones will be those women who have recently found their soul mate. Libra can be sure that the courtship period will not last long at all and will logically end with a romantic declaration of eternal love and a marriage proposal.

The love horoscope for January foreshadows single girls of the Libra sign meeting an interesting young man. The newly-made couple will have an ideal relationship, but it will not be without difficulties. Close relatives who are worried about status and other unimportant things for love will definitely want to destroy the love union of Libra girls and their lovers in January. It will be difficult for lovers to resist such pressure, but if they succeed, the stars will thank them for their persistence with a long period of cloudless happiness.

Good luck in love relationships awaits married Libra women in January. Husbands who previously treated their spouses with coldness will begin to spend more time with their families. Libra girls will notice a dramatic change in the behavior of their chosen ones at the very beginning of January.

Love horoscope for Libra men for January 2019

In January, men of the Libra sign will have a chance to analyze their behavior with girls and work on their mistakes. They will have to spend most of the month alone. Changes will only come towards the end of the period. At this time, strong representatives of the sign will develop new relationships or unexpected acquaintances will occur.

January will also be good for Libra men who are married. They will not have to quarrel with their chosen ones, prove that they are right and test the strength of the relationship. In Libra families during this period there will be a complete idyll, but no passion will be expected. But the spouses will be able to enjoy the peace and harmony that was missing from their life together for so long.

Love horoscope for Libra for other months of 2019

In the first month of the year, personal life becomes a priority for many representatives of the Libra sign. For the success of relationships in January 2017 has great importance devotion and daily care for the beloved. In love, it is not romance that becomes more important, but patience, diligence and attention to detail.

January 2017 aims lovers at practical interaction. The time is not suitable for love affairs and frivolous entertainment, you need to be responsible and work hard to make your lover happy. Make an effort to please and surprise your significant other with something pleasant and practical at the same time. Libra women can show off their culinary skills, while Libra men can show off their varied talents. Intellectual activities and communication will help you get closer to your partner and strengthen your union.

This month, the planet of love Venus and the planet of passion Mars are located in the house of work Libra. This position of the planets hints that there may be a romantic interest in the person with whom you work together or meet on duty. Another expression of planetary influence is working together with your lover or spouse on some business project, or you will become interested in practices together healthy image life.

New love, which will arise in January 2017, will develop slowly. If you meet a person who attracts you, do not rush things. It is better not to make hasty decisions, but to give yourself time to evaluate your potential chosen one. When you make a decision, make your way to your heart calmly and unobtrusively.

Family representatives of your sign in January 2017 will be passionate about household affairs. The month is favorable for implementing long-standing plans, for example, rearranging furniture in the house, making a major purchase or updating your wardrobe, for vacations and trips with the whole family.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for January 2017

Until January 8, 2017, the Mercury retrograde cycle continues, so no great achievements are expected in work and business. Things may be slower than usual, and there will be delays in the implementation of your plans. This period invites Libra to take on the role of diplomats. The stars advise you to avoid conflicting people, otherwise quarrels with them can drag on for a long time.

Starting from the second decade, the rhythm of events accelerates. Venus and Mars in Libra's house of work help to reveal your business qualities and promise success in your professional field. Career achievements are possible that you will be rightfully proud of. Conscientious work and responsibility will help you become one of the best workers and increase your authority in the eyes of your superiors. The topic of cooperation and participation in joint projects is acquiring particular importance.

The Full Moon on January 12, 2017 illuminates Libra's career sector, drawing attention to long-term plans. If you haven't yet developed a career and financial development strategy for the coming year, it's time to do it.

The financial horoscope foretells that your work will be adequately paid. It is advisable to be careful with money in the early days of the month when Mars, the ruler of your house of money, meets nebulous Neptune. Confusing financial circumstances, losses due to inattention or due to someone’s dishonesty are not excluded. Don't be too trusting at this time.


Health needs to be given more attention, because your house of health is filled with planets. The period is well suited for contacts with the medical world, the beginning of a course of treatment, diagnosis and consultations. Procedures related to beauty and appearance care will be successful. However, there is a risk of accidents and injuries, so you should be careful. The stars recommend being physically active, eating a healthy diet and getting good sleep.

Be realistic in love! Don't demand from your loved one what he cannot give.

During January, all your interests will be mainly focused on the home. Don't expect trips or long business trips. Even invitations to friendly parties are unlikely to make you take your mind off family matters. For you, this state of affairs is primarily due to the fact that Saturn will move into the sign of Sagittarius and many planets will be in the sign of Capricorn.

Your ambitions will be related to solving everyday issues. This is due to the position of Venus in the sign of Capricorn. In January you will want a holiday. But you are not inclined to waste your time on trifles and quite reasonably believe that it is better to go to one proven interesting place than rushing around in search of new experiences all weekend.

Horoscope for January 2017 Libra woman

  • Favorable days for Libra women in January 2017: January 3, 8, 12, 16, 29.
  • Difficult days for Libra women in January 2017: January 4, 19, 26.

Love. You may lack ease and ease in communication. Just when you need to say important words, you suddenly become embarrassed and fall silent.

  • From 1 to 10 January. You will prefer to close yourself with your family. Let your fans and friends invite you to joyful holidays, you will suddenly want to retire with your family.
  • From 11 to 20 January. Now, when active work begins, out of a sense of contradiction, you suddenly want to have fun. Your loved one will be forced to adapt to you.
  • From 21 to 31 January. Doubts will overcome you. It will seem that you are not suitable for your partner, or even suspect him of infidelity.

Health. Preparations for the holiday will be in full swing - carry out peeling procedures and deep cleansing of the skin. Pay attention to the latest cosmetics.

  • From January 1 to January 10. It's time to get rid of unnecessary volumes in the abdominal area. Strength training on the lower body is what you need.
  • From 11 to 20 January. A good period for pedicure and manicure. Make hand and foot baths with sea salt and pine extract.
  • From 21 to 31 January. After playing sports, be sure to massage your thighs, use juniper and cypress oils.

Finance. You can make good money if your work does not involve communication and travel. In a familiar environment and in contact with previous partners, you will achieve a lot.

  • From 1 to 10 January. The expenses will be related to the family. And don’t let your friends be offended that you haven’t prepared worthy gifts.
  • From 11 to 20 January. You will want surprises and unbridled entertainment. You will buy nice and useless trinkets for everyone you know, but you will buy something truly luxurious for yourself.
  • From 21 to 31 January. It’s difficult for you to make contact with new people, and it’s better not to mention stressful interviews in front of you. You shouldn't look for a new job right now.

Horoscope for January 2017 Libra man

  • Favorable days for Libra men in January 2017: January 2, 7, 13, 17, 30.
  • Difficult days for Libra men in January 2017: January 5, 18, 25.

Love. Even if you like the girl, it’s better for her to take the first step herself. After all, you have so many prejudices and unfounded doubts about yourself and your merits!

  • From January 1 to January 10. Each of us is shaped by our family. You know this for sure. And now, when your beloved decides to introduce you to her parents, you will examine and evaluate them very meticulously.
  • From January 11 to January 20. Your mood swings will amaze even your girlfriend. Just yesterday you were cold, and now you are talking about future children.
  • From January 21 to January 31. If someone gossips about your girlfriend, you can easily believe it. Now you are very susceptible to other people's influence.

Health. You will worry so much about your relatives that you will suffer yourself. Worries can make you feel worse and weaken your immune system. Control yourself.

  • From 1 to 10 January. Meeting friends and new love interests will help you take your mind off heavy thoughts. You are currently unable to change the situation that upsets you, so you shouldn’t think about it.
  • From 11 to 20 January. Now it’s better for you to spend less time at home, where the situation is quite nervous. It’s even worth going somewhere for a while.
  • From 21 to 31 January. Disputes with family will put you in a fighting mood. Yours nervous system Now I’m ready to withstand such a load.

Finance. During this period, it is better to do business with older partners. You will easily find a common language with them.

  • From 1 to 10 January. You will not be in a festive mood at all. Parties, gifts - what is all this for? Just extra expenses. But the fun that reigns around will eventually make you forget about saving.
  • From 11 to 20 January. Now you will put your own interests, both financial and personal, first. Because of this, your friends may accuse you of selfishness and they will be right in some way.
  • From 21 to 31 January. Your doubts and hesitations will interfere with your business. You will never decide to conclude an important deal because your partner seems too unreliable to you.

Horoscope for January 2017 Libra child

Your girl may limit her social circle. This will surprise you, since Libras are usually quite sociable. But when Saturn moves into the sign of Sagittarius, she will choose one friend with whom she will prefer to spend all the holidays. In January, your daughter, on the contrary, will plunge headlong into the fun. She will ask to take her to concerts, performances, and this is not counting numerous meetings with friends.

In January, your boy will especially listen to your opinion, so you should be more active in telling him what to do. If you are planning a family trip, it is better to do it in January. Then the journey will bring the child a lot of joy. If you have a long-standing desire to introduce your boy to cultural or theatrical life, you should start this in January.

Read the monthly horoscope 2017 for other zodiac signs: