Taurus third decade characteristics. Common Traits with Gemini

Since they love stability and confidence in the future, and this month can bring many different surprises and unpredictable situations. Before Taurus has time to resolve one problem, another will appear, so by the end of the month they will feel tired and empty. The main thing for Taurus is not to break down and be able to maintain your peace of mind - then it will be easier to solve problems. At work, Taurus may have new responsibilities, the fulfillment of which will take up a lot of free time, which they would not mind devoting to their loved ones. At the same time, Taurus’s close people will be in great need of help and increased attention on their part, so Taurus will have to be torn between work and family, not to mention the fact that they will have almost no time left for their personal life and entertainment.

In the first ten days of the month, Taurus should show wisdom, patience and balance when communicating with others - this will help them improve previously damaged relationships and smooth out existing ones conflict situations. In order to adapt to a rapidly changing situation and navigate the kaleidoscope of ongoing events, Taurus must become savvy, fast, decisive and agile, but their reward will be complete success in all matters. If Taurus dreams of changes in any area of ​​life, then this period is the best time to take decisive steps in this direction. This period is quite favorable for personal life, so Taurus may not be afraid to start new love relationships.

In the second ten days of May, the main goal that Taurus will set for themselves will be their own spiritual comfort. Maybe that’s why they will become a little picky and capricious, both in everyday life and in personal relationships. At the same time, Taurus will be in dire need of moral support and sympathy from the people around them. It is very important that during this period Taurus have people who are well disposed towards them who would help them take a more confident and optimistic view of life. To ensure that success does not leave Taurus, they should not sit idly by and wait for the weather to come from the sea. The more active Taurus is during this period, the more success in business they can count on. The stability of a relationship with a loved one will depend mainly on how Taurus can not only take, but also give.

The third ten days of May is the most favorable period for Taurus this month. Their affairs will gradually return to full order, which will allow them to relax a little, catch their breath and restore peace of mind. Peace and tranquility will reign in family relationships. Moreover, close people will try to do everything possible so that Taurus does not feel too overwhelmed with household responsibilities. This period is a good time for visiting and attending social parties. Firstly, by communicating with different people, Taurus will have fun and take their mind off work, and secondly, they will be able to make new interesting friends and acquaintances. Lonely Taurus can expect parties and picnics.

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their solidity and categoricalness. Taurus, their characteristic is stability; they are melancholic in temperament, this prevents them from being vain and falling into a state of sudden activity. To act, you must first carefully consider all possible consequences. But, like most people on Earth, they can sometimes succumb to their mood and do something unplanned, out of emotion.

Taurus vouches for all their actions and tries to correct their mistakes.

These people are open and friendly, they are extroverts. Taurus, the characteristic of the zodiac sign is inexhaustible patience. They can remain silent about their experiences for a long time and can be condescending. But even Taurus have a limit to their patience, and, overwhelmed by their emotions, in an instant they can become angry, ruthless, and capable of insults.

They look at life through a clear prism of realism and do not like to dream. Thanks to this trait, they are rarely disappointed in anything, because they did not build in their thoughts fabulous prospects, which in reality turned out to be ordinary. There is also a minus to this feature; realistic perception does not allow Taurus to enjoy the beauty of the world, riveting their attention to the shortcomings.

Positive features

Taurus will not allow you to command them, tell them what to do, or impose your opinion, but they will listen to good advice. They feel free with those who are compliant and gentle in character and do not try to infringe on their interests and rights.

Hard times for Taurus are a real test, but from their appearance you cannot understand exactly how his affairs are going, what kind of mood he has inside. Despite the fact that it is truly difficult for them to get out of a depressed state, they rarely complain and seek support. In case of failure, Taurus prefers to hide and wait for the weather by the sea, because he is patient to the point of impossibility.

People of this zodiac sign are closely connected with their earth element; they love nature. They are filled with energy when they are in the fresh air, they calm down, and long-awaited solutions come to their minds.

Taurus has a correct and decent character, they always keep their word, are very responsible in all areas of life, they honor and comply with rules and laws. With Taurus you are calm and reliable, you can always be confident in him, he is not capable of betrayal and flight in difficult times. Even if circumstances were such that he had to break his promise, he will be very worried and will find a way to correct this trouble as much as possible. Taurus are open, they are receptive and strive to explore the world, while remaining conservative.

Stability and monotony are the best characteristics for

Taurus speak without pretense, sincerely expressing their emotions and feelings.

Taurus, they tense up at the sight of changes in the usual rhythm of life. There is no escape from sudden changes, but Taurus is in no hurry to adapt to the new way, he waits until everything becomes the same.

Material things are of great value in their eyes; they become attached to things and cannot imagine life without prosperity, stability, convenience, and regularity. They will prefer the company of intellectuals and significant people, but they will not look down on others either. Taurus are attracted by luxury and glitz and are partygoers.

At home, it is important for Taurus to feel comfort and coziness. They treat money, like everything else in their lives, responsibly. They will lend you money, but only if the reason for the request is worthy of attention; they do not waste money, but they are not stingy either. They love to bring everything into the house, they like to see the reflection of their efforts in the material things that they accumulate.

Negative traits

  • The famous negative side of Taurus is their stubbornness; it is impossible to prove something to them, even if you have stocked up with a lot of arguments and in general the answer to the subject of the dispute is obvious. It’s like they don’t hear anything at such moments. Even having been defeated in an argument, they still remain with their opinion.
  • They are distinguished by a strong sense of ownership, they do not want to share their family and loved ones with anyone, they need all your attention. It is on this basis that jealousy arises.
  • Some Taurus people have open contempt for other people; they love and value themselves, but sometimes show sadistic tendencies. In a fit of anger, Taurus completely loses control over himself, destroys and breaks everything in his path, in anger he is truly terrible. Among them there are domestic tyrants, keeping all their household members in terror, while seemingly making the best impression.
  • Taurus conservatism knows no bounds. They sometimes do not want to hear about innovations, even if it is a really worthwhile invention and they need it.
  • Taurus people can come across as apathetic, slow people. Sometimes their sensible approach to spending comes close to stinginess.

Taurus personality by date of birth

1st type - first ten days (April 21 - May 1)

Taurus born on these dates are optimists in life, they are passionate about all things where they need to be smart. They are attracted by sensual pleasures. Men tend to be overweight; in women this occurs less frequently. Taurus people of the first decade love their work, but have difficulty finding a common language with people in the team. They strive not to depend on anyone, and in pursuit of this goal they are rude and angry. In relationships, they are constantly jealous and can flare up.

2nd type second ten days (May 2 - May 11)

Those born in the second decade have the ability to organize and can become authorities for a whole crowd. They do not have enormous energy potential, but if desired, they can achieve it. Taurus of the second type is interested in everything magical and mysterious.

With their partner, they act like despots, love sex and are able to change many partners in their lives. They are practical in business, love to work, but will never do more than is necessary. They are influenced by the Moon, under its influence they have acquired the need to dream. Most of all, such Taurus are fascinated by political issues and literature of all genres.

Type 3 – third decade (May 12 – May 20)

In relationships with people, Taurus of the third decade are sometimes too selfish. They can flare up or suddenly hug; mood swings are common for them. They have a subtle, refined taste in clothing and love to live in an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. They do not need communication, they are sad and melancholic, and their view of the world is most often pessimistic.

Characteristics of a Taurus girl


From an early age, the Taurus girl shows her tenacity and sensitive nature. She is willful, if something is not to her liking, she is capable of being capricious, sometimes showing her protest too violently, with screams and enchanting hysterics. It is worth being calm and breathing deeply so as not to lose composure, calming Taurus.

It is easy to switch her out of this state by speaking in a calm, confident voice, distracting her with a book with a positive plot. The desire to correct her capriciousness is quite understandable; to do this, you just need to listen to her desires, not irritate her, and Taurus will always be gentle and ready to cooperate with you.

Taurus girls are neat, caring, quiet and affectionate. They prefer to spend their time actively and usually have a sports hobby. They like to attract the gaze of others to their person.

The Taurus child is a very picky eater and will have to spend many hours in the kitchen creating the perfect dish. It is worth remembering that they have a natural tendency to be overweight and cook as healthy and balanced as possible.

Taurus girls are attached to their family with all their hearts, they maintain close, trusting relationships throughout their lives, and as adults they become friends with their parents.


Taurus is very devoted to people, and in relationships she is exactly like that. She is a great friend, has a wide circle of friends, diverse and interesting personalities for her. The girl has a hard time with partings. Most often, Taurus people start one relationship for life. In love, they are prudent and reasonable, approaching all decisions with a “cool head.”

A Taurus is easily driven to hysterics; in this state, she is unrecognizable, she is vindictive and merciless. A girl can be too indifferent or, on the contrary, extremely generous with emotions. The second option does not last long.

Taurus people look elegant and passersby stare at them. Inside, the girl is tender and fragile, it is easy to hurt her and lose her. In a relationship, she definitely needs to feel that she is needed and loved.


Most Taurus are capable students; they are often used as an example to others. They are diligent, love to do homework in order to admire the result of their work. Taurus are slow by nature, which gives them the quality of perseverance. It is worth taking this feature into account and not forcing them to work at higher speeds, this will only make them nervous and restless. It is important to give the child a feasible load and praise him for his successes.

Affairs and work

At work, it is important for Taurus to feel like a respected employee; she is reliable and hardworking. If she has a conflict at work, it is most likely due to an incompetent attitude; Taurus will not tolerate this. Assiduous and diligent girls realize themselves in any position where these qualities are needed. Taurus are capable of experiencing vivid emotions and are receptive to colors and sounds, which is why they often associate their careers with creativity.

Characteristics of a Taurus man


As a child, Taurus picks up everything that doesn't belong to them that they find on the street. A Taurus boy is distinguished by unshakable self-confidence, he is independent beyond his years and gallant. At the same time, he is modest, too naive, sensitive and romantic. The whole bouquet of his characteristics makes him often disappointed.

Despite their gentle nature, Taurus boys are very strong and athletic. They are ready to literally fight for justice. They will not retreat even before a stronger and older opponent.

Taurus does not question their decisions, so it can be difficult for them to get along with adults. They are conservatives, they love the old and familiar in all areas of life. Treat a Taurus kindly, and you will notice how brightly his best qualities shine.


If in adolescence Taurus meets his love, which is extremely rare, then he will make any sacrifice for the sake of this feeling. Being already in a relationship with his chosen one, he will also be compliant and sacrifice his precious freedom for her. The boy is very jealous, so you shouldn’t give him another reason.

Characteristics of other zodiac signs

Table: Complete according to the horoscope.

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Taurus of the third decade - features of the zodiac sign

Taurus born in the third decade are very reserved and independent. Little Taurus always avoid other children. They are friendly, but have not been sociable since childhood and are very fond of solitude. They solve their problems methodically and punctually, without introducing them to others.

They are capable of strong feelings that they cannot express, which often makes them suffer and suffer. Secretiveness often prevents those around Taurus from being convinced that he is a sweet and pleasant person.

Taciturnity is not such a big drawback, but not all Taurus are able to determine the line beyond which silence becomes elementary impoliteness, which is why one gets the idea that Taurus of the third decade is an unsociable, gloomy type.

The usual mood of Taurus children, when no one makes them angry, is calm and friendly. Even in childhood, they feel some kind of adulthood, maturity. They usually behave well in the company of adults, as long as you don't pay too much attention to them.

If the child becomes the center of attention, he, due to his characteristic isolation, fades away and, as it were, swallows his tongue.

At the age of 3 to 7 years, Taurus continue to move calmly through life: they are not capricious, they do not cry about every occasion. But at this time they begin to show their stubbornness and independence.

Taurus third decade - stage of life up to 25 years

In their youth, Taurus of the third decade often change their occupation, trying to find themselves. Taurus craves a life full of passions, he is characterized by a desire to win, to love for show. He is ready to defend his rightness by any means, regardless of the consequences.

Lack of flexibility in relationships with others leads to Taurus changing many activities and experiencing many disappointments, which they remember for a long time, because they are very impressionable and sensitive.

Melancholy can easily turn into pessimism and fatalism, which is combined with cowardice, stinginess and a tendency towards petty tyranny, which can especially manifest itself in Taurus’s relationship with a loved one. Taurus can show cruelty, despotism, invulnerability, and intense passions.

Taurus of the third decade - stage of life from 25 to 40 years

They want to own their lover and belong to them until the end. In youth and adulthood (17-30 years old), a tendency to change nuances can lead to insatiability in love. The intense sexuality of Taurus in the third decade can lead to obsession, unless pure, ideal passion comes to the rescue and moderates the too strong dominance of desire.

As they become adults, Taurus people of the last decade are increasingly distinguished by their secretive nature. They are cheerful, contradictory, generous, noble, but a little boring because of their restraint and silence.

Taurus of the third decade - stage of life from 40 to 60 years

Taurus, especially in his younger years, wants to have a monetary reward for every effort he makes aimed at achieving a positive goal, otherwise he gets upset and loses interest in the matter.

However, with age, he understands that the feeling that remains in his soul from performing selfless acts is much more useful and pleasant than from receiving dividends from shares. The life dream of Taurus of the third decade - fortune - is often realized by the age of 35 - 50.

Taurus third decade - stage of life from 60 years and older

Taurus, born in the third decade, is especially characterized by a passion for luxury, an attraction to the comforts of life, to everything festive and bright. Having achieved financial well-being, Taurus begins to actively express themselves in what relates to comfort in the home: architecture, interior design, construction in general.

Taurus of the third decade - those born from May 11 to May 20
Potential: SEVEN (versatility)
Frequency: SATURN (intense force)
Basic sign: EARTH (practicality)
This personality is driven by imagination, determination, persuasion, and attractiveness. Essential conflict - illusions fight reality.
A positive state contributes to the manifestation of a broad outlook, versatile abilities, personal attractiveness, and instinctive, which especially affects the opposite sex, but also influences other people and contributes to the gathering of friends. Seven Taurus influences its surroundings in the most serious way - there is incredible power in its nature. Taurus sevens are emotional; their favorite hobby is problems of spirit and philosophy. They love to take care of someone more than their own self-sufficiency. They have a very developed tendency towards honest hoarding.
A negative state transforms the imagination into an illusion; the Taurus Seven quickly makes ill-considered conclusions, believes in the supernatural and wanders in search of the “shiny.” Versatility becomes a waste of energy, an objective desire becomes a subjective hope or a dream. The power of persuasion contributes to the desire to dominate, which includes traits of fear and cruelty. Feelings turn in their intensity into a destructive force, neutralizing the natural attractiveness of the individual. Sensitivity transforms into meaningless and irrational self-indulgence, developing laziness and extravagance.
Balance is brought about by objective concentration, discipline, acceptance of necessary limitations and... an unambiguous willingness to simply work. The Seven of Taurus must have solid support under his feet, and his strength of character must be softened with humor and laughter. The frequency of Saturn is often responsible for the hyper-seriousness of his views. The Taurus Seven is required to lead a disciplined, orderly life, develop the skills of sober and practical decisions and conclusions, and also value friends of the same sex. It is also important to carry out your daily duties, accepting life as it comes.
Comments. The entry in the book "T" reads: "All Taurus Sevens manifest a power equal to the Crown, which desires (to have) a corresponding head under it," and then, with the practical sense characteristic of the descriptions of all ten-day decans, it continues: "the result of the decade depends on measures taken." Based on this, the success of the Taurus Seven is commensurate with the choice of measures taken by it.
When this personality brings his powerful forces into balance, masters his emotions, when he can intelligently and objectively discipline his activity, only then can the Taurus Seven have the opportunity for enormous success.
A striking example of such a personality is Honore de Balzac. Theosophist and spiritual leader Krishnamurti, ballerina Margot Fonteyn, known for her endurance and professional discipline, were born in this decade. (John Paul II, Mikhail Bulgakov, Mikhail Glinka - approx. trans.). Composer Eric Satier, master of syncopated rhythm Irving Berlin, and of course, the eccentric and bizarrely beautiful Salvador Dali.
The relative paucity of famous people among Taurus Sevens is direct evidence that they have real difficulties in achieving their own balance. For so many, versatility is a dangerous gift, and, like Stephen Leacock's knight, Taurus Sevens try to gallop in different directions at the same time, but achieve nothing and get nowhere. The name of the Tarot card for this decade, “Unfulfilled Success,” itself shows how difficult it is for these people to achieve their own success, which is separated from them by the length of their own arm. The golden fruits are ripe, but the hefty peasant leans on his hoe and dreams of getting down to business and picking apples!
The given example most accurately symbolizes the most amazing laziness that stands between a person born in this decade and his success, to which he only has to reach out... It seems that the main difficulty lies in the inability to concentrate one’s forces and take the next step (despite what it will be) born in this decade. Moreover, often these people sincerely believe that they have done everything necessary, although they have never lifted a finger to do the right thing. This is the eternal stumbling block for them - the most precious illusion for them. These people are gifted with the instinctive attractiveness common to all Seven potential (or Venus frequency), especially strong on the opposite sex, as well as vast and immense vitality. But they often lack determination. However, if they really want to, they can develop determination, like everything else, naturally, if they work hard. If the aspirations of the Taurus Seven are ultimately oriented in one direction and supported by objective and disciplined work, there is no goal that is practically inaccessible to it.
Muriel Bruce Hasbrouck “Tarot and Astrology”